
Introduction: This is the seventh part in my CSS Styling tutorials, in which I will be covering display. What is Display? Display is a property which sets the type of behaviour that will be given in relation to the position of the given elements. Structure: display: {type}; Example:
  1. display: inline-block;
Defaults: As a couple of default examples; an image given through an img tag in HTMl is a block element, a paragraph (p) is a block element and a span is an inline-block element. Values: The bigger the border radius, the more curved the border will be. inline - Displays an element as an inline element (like ) block - Displays an element as a block element (like

) inline-block - Displays an element as an inline-level block container. The inside of this block is formatted as block-level box, and the element itself is formatted as an inline-level box inline-table - The element is displayed as an inline-level table list-item - Let the element behave like a

  • element run-in - Displays an element as either block or inline, depending on context table - Let the element behave like a
  • element table-caption - Let the element behave like a element table-header-group - Let the element behave like a element table-footer-group - Let the element behave like a element table-row-group - Let the element behave like a element table-cell - Let the element behave like a element table-row - Let the element behave like a element none - The element will not be displayed at all (has no effect on layout) inherit - The value of the display property will be inherited from the parent element Linking CSS To a HTML Element: To link your CSS to an HTML element (text, div, etc.) you will need to decide whether you want to use a class or id, you will also need a unique name. Once you have those, go to your element in HTML and add...
    1. class='myClass'
    ... to the attributes of that element if you chose a class, or...
    1. id='myID'
    if you chose an id. Make sure you replace 'myClass' and/or 'myID' with your unique name. Then, in the CSS you will want to encase your properties with...
    1. .myClass {
    2.         //Properties go here
    3. }
    if you chose a class, or...
    1. #myID {
    2.         //Properties go here
    3. }
    (You can remove the line beginning with // if you wish). Here's an example...
    1. <html>
    2.         <head>
    3.                 <style>
    4.                         .inline {
    5.                                 background-color: #000;
    6.                                 color: #fff;
    7.                                 width: 300px;
    8.                                 height: 100px;
    9.                                 display: inline;
    10.                                 //Will position next to other elements
    11.                         }
    13.                         .inlineblock {
    14.                                 background-color: #000;
    15.                                 color: #fff;
    16.                                 width: 300px;
    17.                                 height: 100px;
    18.                                 display: inline-block;
    19.                                 // Will position aligned to other elements
    20.                         }
    22.                         .block {
    23.                                 background-color: #000;
    24.                                 color: #fff;
    25.                                 width: 300px;
    26.                                 height: 100px;
    27.                                 display: block;
    28.                                 // Will take up the full line
    29.                         }
    31.                         .none {
    32.                                 background-color: #000;
    33.                                 color: #fff;
    34.                                 width: 300px;
    35.                                 height: 100px;
    36.                                 display: none;
    37.                                 // Will not display
    38.                         }
    39.                 </style>
    40.         </head>
    41.         <body>
    42.                 <div class='inline'>Inline</div>
    43.                 <div class='inlineblock'>Inline Block</div>
    44.                 <div class='block'>Block</div>
    45.                 <div class='none'>None</div>
    46.         </body>
    47. </html>
    element table-column-group - Let the element behave like a
    element table-column - Let the element behave like a

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