Hotel Reservation System


Free Hotel Reservation System

This is a complete application for Hotel Management System. The source code contain advance programming specially in using SQL Language.

Beginners are advice to learn the manual before using the code. If you want me to continue developing this program please let me know by sending an email under "Contact" page. Please Specify what program you're referring to.

Basic features:

  1. Guest reservation
  2. Billing System
  3. Change room
  4. Multiple account per room
  5. Guest report
  6. Other charges

You are welcome to report any bugs found in this program.

Account information:

username: admin

password: a

For the database password please read FAQ.

Note: You must have crystal reports 8.5 in order to open all the reports. If you don't have crystal reports then download the installer below.

Download Hotel Management System v1.0 Installer here.

How to register an ocx file.

Here's the manual.

The VB.NET version of this program can be found here: Hotel Reservation System (VB.NET).

Although programs with free source code are good but sometimes you need a commercial software that will answer your company's need. It's impractical for your business to wait for other people to finish the features that you are looking for. This website is design solely for programmers who want to share common knowledge.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


Napakagaling niyo po. Pwd nio po ba ako gawan ng example code sa Reservation ng Hotel yong magrarun po. tnx

Hi! I am designing a website that needs online hotel reservation. I have no experience on creating a booking form. I don't know how to get started with it. I stumbled upon your site at nagkaroon ako ng pag-asa. I think you can help me out with my problem. I am very eager to learn on how to create such form and know about the system. I installed the software provided in your site but I am at lost on what to do next. I need an advice from you on how to get started with this. Thank you very much!

The hotel source code I uploaded here is design to work with desktop application and not for web application. Currently I cannot provide a source code for online reservation.

Hi!, gud day sir, help me for mu system.. HOTEL RESERVATION SYSTEM using class module. please.... thnx..

Hi! gud day!! can you help me for my system? HOTEL RESERVATION SYSTEM using class module... thnx a lot sir... please reply

pls send the code of hotel management system in Java

sir, can u give me a link to downlaod crystal report 8.5..i need it to run this system..plese help me..i must present my presentation in university but before that i must succesful run this system.

hai..sir..actully in ur hotel system...i add a new form..but it has the's true what i have done.. Private Sub CmdFind_Click() Dim srcSQL As String Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset srcSQL = "SELECT FolioNumber, Name, Address, RoomNumber, RateType, " _ & "Balance FROM qry_rpt_CheckIn_Guest " _ & "WHERE FolioNumber = '" & ("FolioNumber") & "'" RS.CursorLocation = adUseClient RS.Open srcSQL, CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic If RS.RecordCount > 0 Then displayData Else MsgBox "User not found", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly End If RS.Close Set RS = Nothing End Sub i want when i click the button find, the all information guest can appear at form..but when i click that it have error at RS.Open srcSQL, CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

Hi, I am trying to build an application to print name and ammount values on cheques using, but I am not able to do so. Can you please help me out in doing so... Please reply me at [email protected] Thanks

will the codes of the system works in vb2008? i have a difficulty in programming the add, edit, delete and update records

Need your help pls..

sir,,i add the b8sidetab at mdimain..but i when i click at this just static and dont roll down the file i insert inside.. actually i insert the file in sidetab

Please can you help me to write a project on HOTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM by using visual basic program. thanks.. my id is [email protected], i will be waiting for your quick response.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Please study the code here.

i needed hotal reservation using if u r provided it much done lots for me........

actually i dont need search and date just only wat quick launch...but i want add one side tab like quick launch..inside quick launch we can call the form..i try do that..but not succesful

In the form load event add a line before or after the code below:
  1.     'add quick launch items
  2.     listQL.ListItems.Add , "reservation", "New Reservation", 1, 1
  3.     listQL.ListItems.Add , "rooms_windows", "Rooms", 1, 1
Additionally you need to add another case statement under the "Private Sub listQL_DblClick()" event. Code sample:
  1. Private Sub listQL_DblClick()
  3.     Dim selItem As ListItem
  5.     On Error GoTo RAE
  7.     Set selItem = listQL.SelectedItem
  9.     Select Case selItem.Key
  10.         Case "reservation" 'Manage Reservation"
  11.             If allowOpen("frmReservation", CurrUser.USER_NAME) = False Then
  12.                 MsgBox "You're not allowed to open this form." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
  13.                     "Please ask permission from your administrator.", vbInformation
  15.                 Exit Sub
  16.             End If
  18.             With frmReservation
  19.                 .Shortcut = True
  21.                 .Show vbModal
  22.             End With
  23.         Case "rooms_windows" 'Manage Rooms"
  24.             If allowOpen("frmRoomsWindow", CurrUser.USER_NAME) = False Then
  25.                 MsgBox "You're not allowed to open this form." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
  26.                     "Please ask permission from your administrator.", vbInformation
  28.                 Exit Sub
  29.             End If
  31.             LoadForm frmRoomsWindow

SIR..i add a new form..but when i insert in ur system..the form not exactly stay in ur coloumn (at welcome space) and it become hang....i not sure how exactly to add new form in ur system..plese tech mee

All you need is to copy an existing form in order to copy all the code behind it. Just change the name of the form and call it to based on the name you created.

sir good evening can you help making an interface of hotel reservation and billing system?plz hep me using visual basic 6.0 and plz sent it into my email [email protected] thank you janz

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I can't do that since it's already done. Download it from the Popular block at the right side of this page.

good day sir.....i want to creat a libray i dont have microsoft 2005 or 1003, i only have 2007. and i also i hv visual stodio..and i dont knw hw to use really use to dream weaver and front page so what to do sir or ma

i need to build student grading system using java...the problem is i'm a beginner in this programming...can u show me the coding and i'll study on it until i understand...anyway, thanx so much sir...

Hi Sir, We are a Computer Science1st year level student of Antipolo Gateways institute of Science and Technology we need ur help,,,and pls give as a sample codings of Hotel Reservation,,,system and can u give us a flowchart,,,,sample of this,,, can u reply,,,,asap,,,,,i hope u reply,,,, plsssssssss she

sir, i want this projrct in c#.can i get

can you convert or if you have a Hotel Reservation System in ASP.NET Coded in VB 2008? >>hope you have

Dear sir I need password to login in billing software. Thanks in advance

In reply to by admin

I just edited the DB for report heading but the email and other phone numbers I can't seem to find them. How do I edit the reports and if with crystal - can i get a copy from this forum please. Appreciate all this effort. Hope for greater rewards in the future. Thanks.

Hotel Reservation System was what im looking for... and it was great i found it here. my dear bro admin, i used read your stuff they are very creative and very useful and thanks . and but i need a little favor from you. im using a datagridview in c sharp. i need fill the row when user enters a code number inside the same grid view row cell (which is the first column)specific to an record set.something like or more like search records through database. hope you help me. have a great day enjoy cheers thanks zafax

Can you please help mme to my thesis? i proposed to do a grading system in our school. here my email, [email protected] ty

sir we need help. we don't know how to create an employee information system (human resource information system) using visual basic 6.0. its report should see and count who are regular, resigned, retired or reliever employees. we are looking for programmers but we can't see anyone. our program will be presented next week and we don't have it yet. can someone please email me to this add if you can help me or you can recommend me someone or something that can help us. [email protected] thanks

i am not able to use code of that project on vb6.0 it will giv some compiler error , so please giv me solution,,,,,,,,,,,,,

i need this hotel reservation using JAVA language,,pls help me.. it's for my thesis..thanks

i think der is something error on your code,. pls redownload the file and test it. thanks in advance.

i have problem regarding crytal report 8.5, how to get this one.? thanks in advance this is my email [email protected]

Hi when i try to login to the reports it says Database Login Fail am unsure what is wrong i can get access to the database at the back end through access just not through the crystal reports i have 12. something (2008). any help is appriciated. Regards Aidan

Hello Interested to be an adviser or partner making a similar system related but for a dormitory. If you are not so busy hope we can talk about the details. Contact me at [email protected] for the details. Happy New Year!

i found error in this line blow.. mdiMain.b8CW.LoadChildWindow mdiMain.hWnd, CFrm.hWnd, CFrm.Name, CFrm.Caption, R.Top, R.Left, R.Right, R.Bottom b8CW has no LoadChildWindow method ??

About Hotel Reservation can you please help me? I am first year student taking up Information Technology.. I don't have enough knowledge and idea about making a system which is the hotel reservation, just simple program sir please help me I really need your help.I don't know what to do.I am hoping for your help sir.thank you in advance..just send a simple hotel reservation system to my [email protected]..

Hello Sir? I downloaded the hotel reservation system and have been using it to learn varius coding style. resently i learn that the system can not load anymore on my computer giving report about missing crwviewer and b8control. How do i solve this? Would you please help me some notes on how to use activex Control. ? Thank you in advance

can u please tell me hw to do the project??

i also just want this project using C#,,can you please give me that??

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