Andy's Oracle utilities


(01) display the printable and space ASCII characters and their codes

(02) bump up sequences

(03) display a calendar with this PL/SQL procedure

(04) check the free space in your database

(05) DBMS_JOB job scheduler INTERVAL examples

(06) delete duplicates in a table with one SQL statement

(07) describe all tables and views

(08) PL/SQL does_row_exist function

(09) find all column check constraints

(10) find all foreign key columns and what they reference

(11) find all indexes

(12) find all object privileges and their grantees

(13) find all privileges and roles granted to a user or role

(14) find all roles and their grantees

(15) find all system privileges and their grantees

(16) find all table and view constraints

(17) four PL/SQL leap year check functions

(18) freeze your PL/SQL's execution until a condition has been met

(19) get PL/SQL stored program source code

(20) get the CREATE statement for a table, view, or materialized view

(21) insert the apostrophe, aka the "single quote"

(22) kill a user session

(23) kill all user sessions

(24) PL/SQL last_full_weekend function

(25) make a list of all PL/SQL stored programs

(26) make files of all PL/SQL stored program source code

(27) PL/SQL next_date_for_day function

(28) PL/SQL number_to_words function

(29) display calendar for prior month, current month, and next month

(30) put database name in your SQL*Plus prompt

(31) PL/SQL round_time function

(32) see active user sessions and their SQL (output is pictured)

(33) see PL/SQL that is currently running

(34) see user DML/table and transaction locks

(35) sequence usage checker

(36) six PL/SQL numbering system converter functions

(37) split a string into array elements

(38) some SQL and PL/SQL tips

(39) display your PC's SQL*Plus session info

(40) PL/SQL package of 42 character and string functions and procedures

(41) suppress trigger action for a particular user

(42) translate ORA error code

(43) update a table with itself with one SQL statement

(44) find all PL/SQL stored programs with text like <string>

(45) PL/SQL validate_date function

(46) ensure that your PL/SQL only executes on a certain server

(47) virtual flip-a-coin and a few other amusements

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


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