Hotel Reservation System


Free Hotel Reservation System

This is a complete application for Hotel Management System. The source code contain advance programming specially in using SQL Language.

Beginners are advice to learn the manual before using the code. If you want me to continue developing this program please let me know by sending an email under "Contact" page. Please Specify what program you're referring to.

Basic features:

  1. Guest reservation
  2. Billing System
  3. Change room
  4. Multiple account per room
  5. Guest report
  6. Other charges

You are welcome to report any bugs found in this program.

Account information:

username: admin

password: a

For the database password please read FAQ.

Note: You must have crystal reports 8.5 in order to open all the reports. If you don't have crystal reports then download the installer below.

Download Hotel Management System v1.0 Installer here.

How to register an ocx file.

Here's the manual.

The VB.NET version of this program can be found here: Hotel Reservation System (VB.NET).

Although programs with free source code are good but sometimes you need a commercial software that will answer your company's need. It's impractical for your business to wait for other people to finish the features that you are looking for. This website is design solely for programmers who want to share common knowledge.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


Hi, first of all I would like to commend you for a very good job....I have a small clas off vb begginners and wanted some practical and innovative to show them and you've designed the perfect master piece.I would like to ask a favour if you could send me step by step documentation on how you achieved this wonderful program from groiund up...example declaring your variables and dtabase will help me give me pupils good understanding of this progam.



who number of room this pro?

good evening!!!


Sir, can i plz use part of code on my  mini project hotel reservation system?



In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yah sure. You can even use the whole system. :P

If we take the new reservation modul, and fill in the reservation form, including the room we choose to be reserved, then click the save button, it will be okay and the system will tell that all the information saved. But:

1. in this modul, after we click save, we still come to reservation form, and if we click again the save button, there will be an error message : i think there has to be a code to prevent the save button show in again after we click the button to put the data of reservation in database.

2. if we close, and we look in the rooms modul, the room status of the one we choose in reservation modul is still not reserved. This is the case when we choose to make a reservation in the same day of operation.



hwy i have downloaded the source code but it is not accepting the password"a"


In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Please change your language in regional settings under control panel to English. This is a bug in the system that I cannot fix right now.


Is there any news on the new release?




In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I'm working on it. Just taking my time to convert all codes from vb 6.0 to A lot of modification and I'm very busy also with my work.

But don't worry it will be upload may be on the week of march. I'm currently in the Check In form so the work is 80% done.

In reply to by admin

hy my friend can you give me a indrollment system in Visual basic... my eamil is [email protected] thnk for giving me a nice like you... you so nice programer...


hi, can you send me some tutorials in how to create my own program using VB 6.0, the problem  is enrollment system, and adding of new accounts

tnx, my email is:

[email protected]



In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I'm still running a poll on what version are most needed from my visitors point of view, including you, for my tutorial.

I am now finalizing the release of the upgraded version of Hotel Reservation and I will start as soon as possible.

In reply to by admin


1. Ever considered to go for both options.

2. Please consider a email template for reservations.

3. Noticed ms sharepoint reservations is now available to the public and another open source program is available at

Still like your program but time is running out for me. Hope the new release is available soon.

Regards and best wishes.


You have a greate program but i think some of your codes comes from Philip Naparan

can u send me a coding of button search in vb.

hi  im rizza 3rd yr. highschool student  of pasig catholic college im just wondering why they are always asking u for the password????? are they all blind am just thinking if they are stupid or not u, always keep on replying back "READ THE FAQ" Y THEY JUST DONT READ IT OH BY THE WAY CAN I USE UR PROGRAM FOR MY PROJECT IN COMPUTER ALLOW ME PLZZZZZ!!!!!



In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yes they are stupid! And I am not a f*cking stupid like what you think! I'm just trying to help this stupid person.

And oh! You have also a stupid question. You can do whatever you like with my source code. Don't hesitate to ask again another stupid question!

I'm also tired and sick of being tired and sick in answering stupid question.

Just kidding darling!

,,,Your system is very helpful,,

..Please tell me what is the database password...

i'm currently working on this system when i saw this..i downloaded the whole code but i need the database password...can you please send it to me? here's my e-add [email protected]


thank you :D

Before any booking can be made it is extremely improtant to first search for availability to prevent double booking. Is there such a facility. "Inventory" give me the info on clients that have checked in, but not also on those that reserved a room. Is there a way where similarly to then "Inventory" link one can get a link "Search Availability" and it will then provide info that exclude checked in rooms and reserved rooms or alternatively provides all cheched in and reserved bookings togther with open rooms?

Thanks for great support.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

This feature will be included in the next release using

Great work

your software source code is very flexible and good . I am also the software developer programmer of vb.


Can u help me out in some other way.. I need a Vb code to access my TV OUT card in VB..Here I want to send the data through the TV OUT card and that will display on a TV scrren. Is that possible using VB? please give me any suggestion ....

thanx dear

this is very helpful to me.

If i faced any prob i send u email

i hope it will work better n i get whatever i want.

Thanx for the source,I wanted to know what software ,can be used to .....Cos I dont havent installed my VB yet! I want to know,cos am trying to make a project for my final year project!.........hit me up ASAP

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

All you need is vb 6.0 to compile the source code.

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