Creating Gameplay Controller
Submitted by razormist on Friday, December 1, 2017 - 21:12.
Now we will create the Gameplay Controller. This will be the game mechanics of the game. It will handle the flow of the game to make it playable. Create a GameObject then name it as Gameplay Controller. Then create a script and save it to Game Controllers folder as GameplayController.
Write these important variables to make the game work properly:
Then write the rest of the codes
After creating the script attach it to the Gameplay Controller component. And then attach all the needed components in the Inspector of GameplayController script.
- public static GameplayController instance;
- public int score;
- public Text scoreText;
- public GameObject notification;
- private bool doubleBack;
- void Awake(){
- CreateInstance ();
- }
- // Use this for initialization
- void Start () {
- if(GameController.instance != null && MusicController.instance != null){
- if (GameController.instance.isMusicOn) {
- MusicController.instance.PlayGameplaySound ();
- } else {
- MusicController.instance.StopAllSound ();
- }
- }
- InitialGameplayVariables ();
- }
- // Update is called once per frame
- void Update () {
- UpdateGameplayController ();
- if(doubleBack == true){
- if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)){
- SceneManager.LoadScene ("Main Menu");
- }
- }
- if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)){
- notification.SetActive (true);
- doubleBack = true;
- StartCoroutine (ShowTimer ());
- }
- }
- void CreateInstance(){
- if(instance == null){
- instance = this;
- }
- }
- void UpdateGameplayController(){
- GameController.instance.currentScore = score;
- scoreText.text = score.ToString ();
- }
- void InitialGameplayVariables(){
- GameController.instance.currentScore = 0;
- score = GameController.instance.currentScore;
- scoreText.text = score.ToString ();
- }
- IEnumerator ShowTimer(){
- doubleBack = false;
- notification.SetActive (false);
- }
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