Hotel Reservation System (VB.NET)

Welcome back to the updated version of Hotel Reservation System (VB.NET). I have an important update that includes all report that can be seen in VB 6.0 version. I have also fix some minor bugs.

To access VB 6.0 version please click Hotel Reservation System.

The features are the same as the version 1.0 but only upgraded to Visual Basic.NET 2008. You will learn in this program's source code the technique I have used to connect to the database.

Basic features:

  1. Guest reservation
  2. Billing System
  3. Change room
  4. Multiple account per room
  5. Guest report
  6. Other charges

This program (executable and source code) is release under the GNU License to protect the future development of this application.

This will still remain free so everybody may benefit from this program.

If you find this program or source code usefull please don't forget to donate. Your contribution is very much appreciated for the future development of this program.

Account Info:

Username: admin
Password: admin

For the database password please read What is the database password.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.



Sir I am a newbee to this vb express 2008. i have downloaded your creation of Hotel Management System zip file. Please guide me how i can run this programme. I tried double clicking .sln file but did not work. Also please let me know the password of the database file. Please guide me. Thanks so much.

Sir I am new to vb express 2008. I have downloaded the zip file of Hotel Management System created by you. I donot know how to run this programme. I tried to double click .sln file but did not work. Pleaes guide me how i can run this programe. Kindly guide. Thanks

I had have downloaded the Hotel Management and then noted that TableManager in ur source code. i want to make like you but i don't know to how to create. Please help me to create that one. Thanks you so much.

hi, when i want to open reports, display Database Login.... what's user and password?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

It should open without requiring a password. I'll gonna check this tomorrow if there's a problem like this.

helo! i would like to ask a help directly from you about multi column reporting in crystal report xi. the image can be viewed from the url below. i really need a help. yol

Hi, I really wanted to help you but I have so many work to be done at this time. Most of them are paid service. I can do this if you are willing to pay. I cannot give priority for free services right now except for the free source code that I am maintaining every week. Please use the Contact menu above if you are willing.

Dea Sir i have downloaded to vb express 2008 i have download your creation Hotel management system also but i cant run the program sir..... in the project property wat is the path??? after i enter the username and the password admin i still cant login into the system the wrong password message coming out.wat i purpose to do?????to make the program run....? please tell me the path of this system y the password wrong message coming even i already enter the username and the password???? please guide meeeeeeeeeeeeee??????????? please sir????????????????????

please help me on my project using We will make a banking system with these transactions. Client Registration - check/current/savings, deposit, withdrawal, inquire. thanks.

Sir, pls help me. we have a project in data structures 2. we are obliged to maka a project that is due for final exam. i was assigned to make any sample applications related to heap and code it using java GUI. I really dont know how to. pls tel me what are those examples related to my projects. i think reservation system is one example. but i want it to be in java code. pls tnx. 3rd year IT Student University of Cebu

My name is Pablo, sorry for my English. How much cost your services??? How can I send the money to you, I´m in Argentina, Latin America Paypal is a valid method? Can you make me a budget to build a Restaurant POS?? How do I must to pay your fees?? For hour?? for project??? Do you have time before December? Have you ever work overseas? Please send the answer to [email protected] Thanks in advance Pablo

hi... i am not really a computer geek and i know this would sound dumb but please help me:( here's a code of a project... and i want to do this as a webpage... you see i am making an online reservation system and all i cant figure out is that, the form in my webpage i.e student number, book number and book title... i want it to be connected to ms access if i press the submit button... do you get my point?? by the way heres the code: Public Class frmaddnewblcklst Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Mary Christian\Documents\thesis 1\VB\BlockBUzz\BlockBUzz\Sheila.mdb") Dim adapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim ds As New DataSet Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click txtln.Enabled = True txtfn.Enabled = True txtmn.Enabled = True txtcon.Enabled = True btnSave.Enabled = True btnCancel.Enabled = True btnAdd.Enabled = False txtln.Text = "" txtfn.Text = "" txtmn.Text = "" txtcon.Text = "" End Sub Public Sub RefreshCont() txtln.Enabled = False txtfn.Enabled = False txtmn.Enabled = False txtcon.Enabled = False btnSave.Enabled = False btnCancel.Enabled = False btnAdd.Enabled = True txtln.Text = "" txtfn.Text = "" txtmn.Text = "" txtcon.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click adapter.InsertCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Insert into Blacklisted(Lastname,Firstname,Middlename,ContactNo)Values(a,b,c,d)", con) adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("a", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar) adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("b", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar) adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("c", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar) adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("d", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar) adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters("a").Value = txtln.Text adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters("b").Value = txtfn.Text adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters("c").Value = txtmn.Text adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters("d").Value = txtcon.Text con.Open() adapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() con.Close() MsgBox("New blacklist Record Save") Call RefreshCont() Call gridview() End Sub Private Sub btnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCancel.Click Call RefreshCont() End Sub Private Sub frmaddnewblcklst_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Call gridview() End Sub Public Sub gridview() If ds.Tables.Contains("Blacklisted") Then ds.Tables.Clear() End If adapter.SelectCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select * from Blacklisted", con) adapter.Fill(ds, "Blacklisted") Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables("Blacklisted") datablack.DataSource = dt End Sub End Class please please please do help me:( here's my email address... [email protected]

Sir, do you have any project like this hotel reservation system that support client/server? Thanks

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Actually you can use this as file server. You can just put the data.mdb in one computer and share it, map it from other workstation.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thanks for the reply..but how to map it? I'm very new to programming.Thanks

how to install the crystal report! i dont have this on my reference its missing.. when i run the code even your hotel reserve at vb 6.0 crystal report is needed.. help i cant run it

plxz . can you make me a codes for hotel reservation,registration and billing system using visual basic with microsoft access..ill wait..just text me..if you done creating the codes thanxxx..

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

plxz . can you make me a codes for hotel reservation,registration and billing system using visual basic with microsoft access..ill wait..just text me..if you done creating the codes thanxxx.. -sir hotel reservation w/ billing system is already done.. just download the code.. it uses to languages the and vb 6.0 and of course they used access database not xml or oracle!!

Hi.. I was ur Hotal management System application.. I was download ur application & run it... It is runing but in Report section when i was trying to open one of report it is asking to enter some information like 1.Server:Hotal 2.Database:F:\....... 3.user login:________ 4.Password:_________ i enter admin as user login and password as jaypee. But it gives logon failed messagebox... I run my application from C drive but when Database login is open, it select path for database is F:\ drive..... How coluld be solve this problem.... How could change this path or from where i will change path which is disabled for me.... Please Help Me.... My email Id: [email protected]

Hello sir... You still not submit solution for my problem... Cna just given idea from which location of code i will change code that makes visible reports for me... Can send this info my email [email protected] Would u expain how i create a crystal report when i given one of the name of student from dropdown list of student it will show me only the that student personal information.... I actual tried to create crystal report but it give me all record i.e all student information which is in that table.... Please help... I will be very very thankful to u....

Sir , i wish to do a project in using backend as sql server can u help me my id [email protected]

thanks jomar your hotel system is very helpful for our thesis right now.... i hope you could have the web base version of the system... ill be checking the site every now and then.. hopefully i could contribute to the donation in support of your site... (-8

Can you pls send me code using "BACK BUTTON". I'm doing a test in but I cant go back to previous question.. pls. pls... here's my e-add.. [email protected].. I hope to here from you soon.:))

hi my name is navi i just wanna ask how could i switch 2 or more groupbox at its the place using radiobutton....can u help me....? thankz

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Download internet cafe manager. It has a features that you want.

what should i click to submit the reservation form? i need it ,,,its my assignment.. should i click the update? i dont know eh.. thnx... i appreciate your concern

hi!!! can iask u?can u give a sample code in billing inventory system?

is there available c# version of this application?

we are the IT student of Surigao State College of Technology and we are assigned to make a reservation system. And our plan is to make a simple system for lodging house. Can u give us some code and flows? please? tnx

Hello sir... You still not submit solution for my problem... Cna just given idea from which location of code i will change code that makes visible reports for me... Can send this info my email [email protected] Would u expain how i create a crystal report when i given one of the name of student from dropdown list of student it will show me only the that student personal information.... I actual tried to create crystal report but it give me all record i.e all student information which is in that table.... Please help... I will be very very thankful to u....

sir, how can we make a QUERY in VB.NET ? i do not know how to make on it :]

when i go open the project by vb 2005(.net),i got a error massage saying : The imported project "D:\".was not found.confirm the path in the declaration is correct,and that the file exist on the disk. please mate tell me why this happen, thanx

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