Hotel Reservation System (VB.NET)

Welcome back to the updated version of Hotel Reservation System (VB.NET). I have an important update that includes all report that can be seen in VB 6.0 version. I have also fix some minor bugs.

To access VB 6.0 version please click Hotel Reservation System.

The features are the same as the version 1.0 but only upgraded to Visual Basic.NET 2008. You will learn in this program's source code the technique I have used to connect to the database.

Basic features:

  1. Guest reservation
  2. Billing System
  3. Change room
  4. Multiple account per room
  5. Guest report
  6. Other charges

This program (executable and source code) is release under the GNU License to protect the future development of this application.

This will still remain free so everybody may benefit from this program.

If you find this program or source code usefull please don't forget to donate. Your contribution is very much appreciated for the future development of this program.

Account Info:

Username: admin
Password: admin

For the database password please read What is the database password.

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Hello Sir im working on online hotel booking project.i am not getting an idea how to do this

so plz can u help me.if at all a user wants to check the availabity of rooms than he should

display the availability of rooms with dates .can u tell me in database what r the fields we r

going to take and how to write the code.if at all u hv the source code plz send to me...

[email protected]  i hope u will reply thanks in advance.............

Hi sir can u define how to connect to sql server using LAN Based here in my connection string cons = "server=122.52.*****,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog="database here";User ID=sa;Password=password;" already Enable tha sql serrver config. manager the TCP/IP but conncetion Lan is not work...

Try this: Data Source=122.52.*****,1433;Initial Catalog="database here";;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=password; Make sure also that you have set mixed authentication. Enable TPC/IP under client protocols in SQL Server configuration manager.

i need ur help.... um computer science student and now um jest try to submit the proposal of our project (HOTEL RESERVATION SYSTEM ) if you have a C# code replay back to me 

[email protected]

10 @ 4 ur ......c u

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Their are some who volunteer for the C# version. I can't tell you when to release this version.

Hi Sir, Can I get the system design with SSADM or OO? Or where can I find this design? I want to learn about this process...

Have you actually tried to use your so called Hotel Reservation System (VB.NET)? What does this mean: If blnActive = IsOpen("frmReservationList") then When you never assign blnActive a value. Try changing a date on a reservation, or changing the rate. This was a poor effort that needs much work before it could ever even be considered a beta. And you are trying to portray it as sample code? Try again.

I don't use express edition so I can't give you the right answer. But may be express edition is lacking something like a crystal reports, so it gives you an error.

Don't break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back. First of all, you don't need to test if a form is open if you always open it with a .ShowDialog method. More than half of your forms you are. Secondly, if you never assign a value to a variable, such as blnActove, you should either use a constant or not use the variable at all. In this case, a more comprehensive statement would have been: If Not IsOpen("frmReservationList") then As for my vocation, I am a carpenter and a programmer and in my spare time I teach both. Have a nice day. 8>o

We must be looking at two different pieces of code, because the only place that blnActive is used is in the comparison between it and the function IsOpen. Oh, no... You don't think that blnActive is getting assigned a value in the if statement, do you? Goodness, that explains it. To actually assign a value to blnActive you would have to do that separately from the If statement. For example: blnActive = IsOpen("SomeForm") if blnActive then Now, you shouldn’t go slighting any profession when you are just a beginner in your own.

LOL. Why should I use two lines of code if I can make it one line? If blnActive = IsOpen("frmRoomWindow") Then If you only know how c/c++ works may be you'd gone astray. Where in c/c++, most of the statement are coded in just one line. And oh! Yes, I'm not a professional programmer. I'm just a beginner. BUT! Can you show us your best coding practice? You didn't even have one source code uploaded and shared to the community. And if you have one where can we find it? So, we can see it and give comments on it. And again from your first post:
This was a poor effort that needs much work before it could ever even be considered a beta. And you are trying to portray it as sample code?
If this was a poor effort can you make it better? You try to talk and talk without action and that's the poor effort. Share your code here so others may avail of it. Cheers!

Sir , Please tell me when will the full version of the Hotel Management Project be released. I wish to know how to change the status of a room from vacant to occupied after providing details in the Check-In section. Kindly reply soon.

God bless you!!! for sharing some of your work. I found something in your code. and I have some suggestions for you
  1.     Private Function IsOpen(ByVal nameForm As String) As Boolean
  2.         Dim childfrm As Form
  3.         Dim strName As String
  4.         Dim intLastIndex As Integer
  6.         For Each childfrm In Me.MdiChildren
  7.             strName = childfrm.GetType.ToString
  8.             intLastIndex = strName.LastIndexOf(".")
  9.             strName = Mid(strName, intLastIndex + 2, Len(strName) - intLastIndex)
  10.             If LCase(strName) = LCase(nameForm) Then
  11.                 childfrm.BringToFront()
  12.                 Return True
  13.             End If
  14.         Next
  15.         Return False
  16.     End Function
you could replace that using this one public bool Show_Form(Form frm) { if (frm.Visible) { frm.Focus(); return true; } return false; } in your form create variable like this ex: public static Form1 myForm = new Form1(); and add a code in your form load myForm = this; and for the calling assume you have a navigation control private void navBarControl1_LinkClicked(object sender, NavBarLinkEventArgs e) { Form frm = null; switch(e.Link.Caption) { case "Form1": frm = new Form1(); if (Show_Form(Form1.myForm) == true) return; break; } frm.MdiParent = this; frm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; frm.Show(); } you can optimize your code using that. that is only an advise example. you can use myForm variable by calling your object in your forms. ex: create a textbox then make it public modifier you can access it using Form1.myForm.textBox1.Text = "Hello"; or if you have a public int variable Form1.myForm.myVar = 1; Hope this helps. Keep your good work man! Thanks again! MABUHAY! PS: re write it using Rodentor Sano

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hi Bro, Just seen your webpage. It's great! I'll try it out if I have time. Thanks for the code.

halu bro meron ka bang program na gawa sa visual studio 2005 pwede ko bang makita? o kaya bigyan mo ako ng site mo..f ok lang sayo?tnx

Currently all the source code from VB 6.0 are upgraded to VB.NET 2008 and not 2005. Kindly browse the .NET category to find one.

sir do u can help me? sir do u have any project about the attendance system or absence system?

Hello Jomar, I am working on a project for a charitable institution and I need to print the donation receipts but when I use Crystal Report viewer , it shows me all the records and I have to choose the donation receipt from within the records. Can you please help me as to how I can view only the current record of the form on which I have entered information. I am using Visual Basic 2008 , Crystal Reports XII and MSAccess 2007. I enter the information on a form which is connected to access database and a crystal report which is bound to that data table. I have a link on the form for viewing the report in which I want just the current record to be displayed, eg. I have 10 records in the Donation table and I have enetered information for the 11th record, I just want the 11th record to be displayed in crystal report viewer when I click on the report link button. Kindly help me. I have seen your VB6 Hotel Management program and I really thank you for providing such a professional work for us beginners to learn from.

This can be done by using the RecordSelectionFormula properties of ReportDocument. In my payroll system I used the following code to filter the date. rptReports.RecordSelectionFormula = "{Payroll.FromPay} = #" & Format(frmDialog.FromPay.Text, "short date") & "# AND {Payroll.ToPay} = #" & Format(frmDialog.ToPay.Text, "Short Date") & "#" So, in your case you can filter your record by using the primary key of your table. Example: rptReports.RecordSelectionFormula = "{YourTable.YourPrimaryKey} = " & frmYourForm.txtPrimaryKey.Text

Hello, Do you have Html code for "check in". I want to learn how to make same Check in above as HTML web source. please there should be one.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I don't have plan in making a web interface for this. Because a lot of project is already available from the internet. name dedi from indonesia. i need your help for give me source code pascal triangle using javascript.. like this : 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 1010 5 1 please send this source to [email protected].. btw,Thank you very much

sir, , do you have monitoring system or time scheduling? plz send me the file if you have ok thnx, , , nga pla, , , send mo na dhin yung sa PHP na code kapag meron kng extra tym ok salamat , , , god bless^_^

What kind of monitoring system? For time scheduling, I'm still don't have time to do it. For PHP code on how to send mail, it will be uploaded later on.

monitoring of the time schedule of the proffesor, room, and subject, , kahit ano basta pwding mag lagay ng daytime schedule thnx pho, ,

I am very thankful to u for ur project and for source codding. u r doing so nice & easily understandable codding. thank you

Please I would like to communicate with you more you have really inspired me.

Dear Sir, How can I have list of rooms for each day between Date In and Date Out? Thank you in advance Best regards

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Are you asking about the report within this date?

In reply to by admin

Dear Sir, I must ask you again how can I have list of rooms for each day between Date In and Date Out? Thank you in advance Best regards

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Do you want the vb 6 version of the version? Because I don't have plan of modifying the version 6 of hotel management system.

Any one who can help me hotel reservation project with middle scope Thank u

dear sir i just want a simple banking system develop using 2005 and SQL 2005.. i already in creating a banking system but i hv lot of problems so i hope you will help me.. there are diposit, withdraw, personal check form with rates i hope your feed back soon thhank you very muvh sir.....

Hello Jomar, Your Hotel Reservation System is Great, I have been working on a similar system for some time using visual basic 2008, Ms Access 2007 & Crystal Reports 12. I have a favor to ask can you guide me with the code for reserving multiple rooms for a particular group booking environment. I have multiple buildings in the program hence there would be multiple rooms booking in every building under one person or organization. Any help in this situation would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Prashant

sir this is not open on my system i m very worried plz help me to open this file i have downloaded 2005 and sql server 2005.....plz give me the solution at [email protected] as soon as possible. i will be very thank ful to u plz help me..... thank amna from pakistan....

Hi there! May I know what other output material aside from crystalreport? And May I know if this output material can be download or it is on the VB component.... Thanks in advance!! You're great Bro!!

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