Hotel Reservation System
Free Hotel Reservation System
This is a complete application for Hotel Management System. The source code contain advance programming specially in using SQL Language.
Beginners are advice to learn the manual before using the code. If you want me to continue developing this program please let me know by sending an email under "Contact" page. Please Specify what program you're referring to.
Basic features:
- Guest reservation
- Billing System
- Change room
- Multiple account per room
- Guest report
- Other charges
You are welcome to report any bugs found in this program.
Account information:
username: admin
password: a
For the database password please read FAQ.
Note: You must have crystal reports 8.5 in order to open all the reports. If you don't have crystal reports then download the installer below.
Download Hotel Management System v1.0 Installer here.
How to register an ocx file.
Here's the manual.
The VB.NET version of this program can be found here: Hotel Reservation System (VB.NET).
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Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.
Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.
1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
I Need your help
The installer ??
hi... zela.
this is my email add.. [email protected]
can u send me a hotel management system.. with no errors plsssss
redy to compile it... thanks..
How to make Installation Package
Download the trial version of
Re: Password
Hi, I tried several times,
Re: Hi, I tried several times
Re: Password
Idon't understand how is
Idon't understand how is helping that picture you but I also have the same problem
It may be something related to the ODBC engine?
Password error
re: password
You can disable the PasswordChar property of the password txtbox in login form. Then try to login and post here the screenshot including the error msg using Blog. You can create a blog here to upload pictures. I disabled attaching of pictures here in comments.
How can I create that blog to
How can I create that blog to post the image?
I disabled PasswordChar property and I copied that strange char that apear in the text box during the running of the program and I tried to paste it in Notepad but that strange char was transformed in 'a' when I paste it. But I still get that error
I need the full source code of this program
I have started a project on Hotel Management but when I saw this one.I think this's just all I need.Can I have the full source code tell me what I'll need to do to have it.It'll save a lot of time.My e-mail's [email protected] .Thank you
re: I need the full source code of this program
All you need is to download the source code at the download link above this comment.
hi plz can any one send me a
hi plz can any one send me a hotel management project with vb as front end and oracle as back end. my email id [email protected]
i would be very Thank full to you.
re: Version
Yes. But it will not be in VB 2003. Just finish coding enrollment system in VB 2008 and found it good using this version. So, probably I will start coding Hotel Reservation System using VB 2008.
I would however, like to ask what database do you like for Hotel Reservation? SQL Server or MS Access?
Hotel Management System .dll installer location
Hello and thank you for a great program. Can you tell me the exact location of the crystal reports .dll loader you mention at the VB codes site? I've been looking all over and the only .exe I have found is for the billing program. Salamat.
Herman Carnell McCrea
Sorry, I found it
Sorry, as soon as I saved that question I found the installer, right near the download code download link is. Sorry. Salamat.
hi. Will you help me develop a student management system in VB 2005? If anyone has it, can you help me?It shoul manage only students i.e Registration, Allocation into classes, entry marks, Alumni, Manage attendance, Terminal marks entry and storage(Mark book), e.t.c.
Your help if made soon will be highly appreciated.
my email is [email protected]
This could be a big if not small project that you are asking for. May be you can try submitting this to the forum section under Project Requests.
I suggest you attach your database.
Related to Crystal report
Everything works fine but when I open any gives an error ...I guess crystal report runtime is can I find out that...
re: Related to Crystal report
Please download the installer above if you don't have crystal reports installed in your computer. It will give you the runtime library for crystal reports 8.5
re: How can I create that blog to
You need to register first then click on create content link at the right side of the navigation menu.
Hi, I need your help!
Hi, I am trying to creat a project on Hotel management, but unable to do. Can you please help me to do so.
Please send me source code of complete program.
my e-mail: [email protected]
Thanks to you.
re: Hi, I need your help!
You are already in the right direction. Download the source code above.
Thank you!
Hi good day! Your program is such a big help for us because we have a project which is to create a reservation and billing system.
I just wanna know what version you used for vb? is it visual studio 2008?
Question...sql -> mysql
Your program is using ms access however we will be using mysql. How should i change it?
hoping for your reply.
re: Question...sql -> mysql
I cannot make any changes from ms access to ms sql as of now since I am planning to upgrade this version to VB.NET 2008 and SQL Server. I am waiting for the results of vote regarding the database to use in my next upgrade.
re: Question...sql -> mysql
Yes of course. But there are some slight difference. Stored procedure is one.
visual studio 2008
Good day! Sir when will you release the code for vb 2008 because when i tried to run the source code in a visual studio 2008 i got so many errors especially in the welcome part where the menu tools are in there. Is there any optional way so that i can get rid of the errors??
salamat in advance! ^__^
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