Sales and Inventory Management Software Microsoft Access (VBA)
This is a Sales and Inventory Management System in using Microsoft Access. Here all the records are stored in the software. Record about the products and bills. Sales and Inventory Management Software In VBA (Microsoft Access) is Developed Using VBA + Access Database. This system manages records such as the suppliers, stocks, product categories, customers, employees, products, sales, reports and etc of a certain business. This system updates the product stock automatically after the system user encodes the purchases list. This feature serves as the receiving stock in feature of the system. The available stocks in inventory also update automatically every time the sales transaction is being done. This system also generates reports.
Features :
- Company Entry
- Customer Entry
- Supplier Entry
- Salesman Entry
- Employee Entry
- Products Entry
- Users Registrations
- Purchase Entry
- Sales Entry
- Product Stock
Reports :
- Customer Report
- Sales Report
- Sales Receipt
- Purchase Report
- Stock Report
- Sales Man Report
- Employee Report
- Product Report
How to Run
- MS Access Software / MS Access Runtime
- Download and Extract the source code zip file. (Download button is located below)
- Open the extracted folder and locate the "SALES AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE.accdb" file.
- Open the file with Microsft Access
Admin Credentials
User: admin
Password: 12345
Inventory Management System (Microsoft Access) - DEMO
I hope this Sales and Inventory Management System in MS Access will help you with what you are looking for and for your future project using MS Access.
Developed By: Vaibhav Patidar
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admin user's password
Regarding Downloaded file is not opening
required admin login
Sales and Inventory Management Software Microsoft Access login
make sure to enable the file…
Easy to make it work. Interesting code solution.
Thanks for this inventory example. Fix the code errors...
Excellent Project
from date to end date reports
How to Open the Project
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