Enrollment System v1.0
This is a complete enrollment system that you can use in recording a students information. I started working with this project using MS Access. One of the best feature of this system is the use of a parent/child to grand child using Windows Form and a DataGridView control.
A must have features:
1. Automatic loading of subject/course from Regular Load table in Student's Information form under the School Year & Course tab.
2. A parameterized dataset in Student's Information form to search for lastname.
3. A combobox, button and checkbox inside a grid.
4. Regular Load masterfile.
5. Advance reports using stored procedure.
And a lot more.
I have provided a video tutorial so that questions will be minimize on this code. You can access it here: https://www.sourcecodester.com/blog/enrollment-system-v10-video-tutorial.html.
Note: You need VB.NET version 2008 and SQL Server 2000 or above in order to run this program.
To do list:
1. Auto increment IDNo.
2. Transcript of Records report - I hope somebody can help me of this report.
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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.
re: None of the Files r being
You need Visual Basic .NET 2008 and SQL Server 2000. Please view the video demo.
How To Connect VB6.0 With Ms Access
Hello My Name is Rafi Shaida,
Please I want Connect Microsoft Access With Visual Basic 6.0 and i want to delete, Update, insert and connect Data Grid of VB6.0 With Ms Access Please Replay To Me In One Or Two Days But Coding of These Things.....
Good Bye...
Best Regards...
Please Urgent Check My Mail
Please I have the problem with vb6.0 and ms access the problem is to Connect vb6.0 with ms access and how to delete update insert and connect the vb6's datagrid with ms access table if you replay these codings i will be very happy from you
My Name is Rafi Shaida
Send these Things on my Email Address : [email protected] and mobile number is (0092) 303 84 42 863
re: Please Urgent Check My Mail
If you need a very simple application that can insert, update, delete, and read a record then I suggest you take a look at this source code:
Have you soled your Problem?
Hi there?
Have you solved your problem of Connecting VB with ACCESS? If NO then tell me I will mail you about this.
Al Hadi Khan
Java-access database connectivity
Could you help me out on how to connect access DB and Java ([email protected])
re: Java-access database connectivity
Come back anytime coz my friend will upload his source code about java database connectivity soon.
Electricity and post office project in viual basic
could anyone give me Electricity and post office project in visual basic. i need urgently..
Thanks i advance..
Randeep singh
You can find each of this driver at the respective website of every product. Go to www.mysql.com for MySQL, www.oracle.com for Oracle. Microsoft ODBC is already included by default.
Databasse Connection Error
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
i have vb2005 express edition
friendly neighborhood
Please check your sql server if its running. or check your connection if u are using sql server as a remote database.
Crystal Reports Compile Errors
I am working with VB2008, Crystal Reports 2008.
I tried opening your source code but I have Crystal Reports Issues.
Something like CrystalDecisions.x.x .
Do I need to install any other app?
re: Crystal Reports Compile Errors
I never used VB 2008 Express edition but I think you're using this version and it does not have a crystal reports built in.
how to connect vb.net version 2003 and sql server 2000
how to connect vb.net v2003 and sql server 2000
enterpise manager
where can i get (local) (windowsNP) in enterprise manager in ms sql server 2000... please reply asap....... i really need this.. hehehe ty...
re: enterpise manager
You are very polite! My goodness! Next time don't be too rush. Clarify your question again. :P
how to insert multiple records
the code below is used to insert a single record.can you please tell me how to insert multiple records in the same code using a "for" loop...i have not worked in VB before.so,can u please give me the required code...please help...
Set connect = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
connect.open "DSN=OPTUMETL;Driver= Oracle in OraHome92;Server=urnts1.uhc.com;UID=OPTUMETL;PWD=OPTUMETL"
Reporter.ReportEvent 0, "Database connection", "Successfully connected to URNTS1"
Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' Stmt to execute the code
01:05:29 PM','DD/MM/YYYY HH12:MI:SS PM'), 1, TO_DATE('11/10/2005 01:05:29 PM','DD/MM/YYYY HH12:MI:SS PM'), 0, 1, 0, TO_DATE('01/01/1900 12:00:00
AM','DD/MM/YYYY HH12:MI:SS PM'), 0, NULL, TO_DATE('18/08/2008 06:06:16 AM','DD/MM/YYYY HH12:MI:SS PM'), TO_DATE('18/08/2008 06:09:13 AM','DD/MM/YYYY
HH12:MI:SS PM'), 'CARE')"
msgbox query
Set objResults = connect.Execute(query) ' Cmd used to execute the sql
Reporter.ReportEvent 0, "Query execution", "Executed query successfully"
re: how to insert multiple records
I need to know first where the data is coming from and going to.
java project
hi...do you have any project using java with access connectivity.......please reply immediately...i hav to submit in coll....bnye...waiting for ur reply....
do u have that source code
do u have that source code using VB.NET 2005 or VB6.0?? thnks.. more power
re: do u have that source code
No. I don't have one for vb.net 2005 and vb 6.0.
Please upgrade to vb.net 2008.
hi finianl year project
i need a project that i can improve on for my finial year project i am not much of a programme but i can try with java and or c++ or if u have any project designing website
my email is [email protected]
re: how to attach the enrollment system to ms sql 2005
Just convert the ms sql 2000 version included in this project.
Can I Integrate it to an Access Database
Hey Dude,
Could I integrate the program to an access db. Or could you provide the version with the MsAccess?
re: Can I Integrate it to an Access Database
You can use an Access database on this program but you need to manually change all the command.
As of this time I don't have time to create an MS Access backend.
how to make a dual table in visual basic6.0
re: how to make a dual table in visual basic 6.0
Even you question is totally beginner. What do you mean by dual table? If you want to create a table then use ms access. It is very easy to create a database table in ms access.
Enrollment using Sql 2000 Database
Hi !
I am shrikant. I got one project. I want to create 3 tables Student Id , Cat codes And Enrollment tables. In Enrollment table i want enter all the details of student. like .Student Id, Student name , mail id, adress, Amount paid and balance amount.. after that in cat code table Stu. Id , cad code and Issu date. in cat code table if the student will paid all the fees then using coding one mail will be sent to student mail id ( mail is ur three CAt Code is ..... something) if the student is not paid money then in mail only one cat code id will be send... is it possible ..... if it is possible then plz send me the some sample coding for this project..
my mail id is
can't load the crystal report
i am a beginner.
i'm using visual basic in visual studio, i already have made crystal reports in visual studio,but i dont how to load the crystal report when running the system. I also dont know how specify the data that should be reported...I'm using odbc as my connector to my database.
please...somebody help!
re: can't load the crystal report
Download the source code above and study on how I use crystal reports in this program. You may also study this tutorial on how to debug a program.
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