Enrollment System v1.0

This is a complete enrollment system that you can use in recording a students information. I started working with this project using MS Access. One of the best feature of this system is the use of a parent/child to grand child using Windows Form and a DataGridView control.

A must have features:

1. Automatic loading of subject/course from Regular Load table in Student's Information form under the School Year & Course tab.
2. A parameterized dataset in Student's Information form to search for lastname.
3. A combobox, button and checkbox inside a grid.
4. Regular Load masterfile.
5. Advance reports using stored procedure.

And a lot more.

I have provided a video tutorial so that questions will be minimize on this code. You can access it here: https://www.sourcecodester.com/blog/enrollment-system-v10-video-tutorial.html.

Note: You need VB.NET version 2008 and SQL Server 2000 or above in order to run this program.

To do list:

1. Auto increment IDNo.
2. Transcript of Records report - I hope somebody can help me of this report.

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
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do you have sample application, a visual basic in visual studio using crystal reports 2008 in reporting

Sir on databinding i want to bind 1 text box coming from other form or outside the "ME" attribute what should i do?? what would be the codings for that?

Hello i'm from indonesia a senio high school, How to transfer access table to open office calc. That's All. Thank's

aHmm..have a nice day tell me how to make a transaction form in enrollment....:p...tnx

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The students information form in the enrollment system already serves as the transaction since I embedded all the transaction for enrollment like adding of school year and subject.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

what is the database password for enrollment system???

Sir Good day.. I just want to ask about connection string.. my database is in network and my connection string is ("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\\data\database1.mdb") and its working ... but just for viewing a database. my program cannot make an adding ,deleting and saving a database when i use my connection in network how can i fix that sir..? I need my database in access only

If you database is not in read only mode, then probably you have not grant a full access to the shared folder. And this is not the proper way of accessing file through from your network. I recommend mapping your shared folder and access it like: PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=z:\database1.mdb

actually... me and my group are having some problem making enrollment system.. if we are going to use the VB 2008 or VB 2006?? what would be the best?? am can you gave some site to study about making enrollment system and the codes.. i'll study it.. so that my groupm8 will not say: i'm useless... please answer me..

Sir, I'm looking for the code of enrollment system and also it's lay-out. I'm shy to say, I don't know how to download (hehehe) and here in our school, the students are not allowed to download any thing in our computers... Could you please send me the codes and it's lay-out for free?Please????My e-mail Add is "[email protected]" or you can just type: "Ms. Mysterious Loner" that's my other e-mail Add(on friendster). Thank you sir! I'll wait for your very precious response... Take care and God Bless!

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Rent in an internet cafe so you can download my source code.

Hello...guys, As a newbie in SQL Server, hope this site help me for I'd been stuck here for a week. I already have the ODBC file connecting to sql server 2005. Using a local pc linking tables works fine but when trying to link those odbc tables from other pc it was already failed. Can someone me please....and send me the whole batch of files for tutorial or code if required. Thanks in advance.

Did you check if the firewall is turned off or the sql server instance is added to your firewall. You must also change the ip address or the name of the server in your odbc connection string.

Sir Admin, Good morning. Still users cannot connect in ODBC File. Please help me how to get on this issue. Think I need step by step tutorial. Would you mind if your mobile no. here is my email add. [email protected] Thanks in advance. Have a nice day ahead.

Sir, It seems that I am newbie in SQL Server I dont know how to assign the connection string or any network config that is why ask your mobile no. to contact you in person if you wish I need online tutorial if you are available. Please my email add already mentioned above. Thanks and more power.

sir, good day. thanks for the reply. as per ur request here is my connection string. Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};description=xdatabase test;server=QAQC-SERV;uid=sa;app=Microsoft Data Access Components;wsid=QAQC-SERV;database=demosam why is that it works only in local machine, when i try to connect to other machine (network) its was failed already. please help me out of here. have a nice day....

i'm about to make a thesis regarding an automated enrollment system...hope you can assist me...thanks..

hi there...I will make an automated enrollment system for my thesis. hope you can assist me with some of my queries..thanks!

In reply to by kikz

I can help you with few lines of code. But not the whole program. Just ask your question here if you have one.

hai sir!!! can you give us the source code for our computerized enrolment system for our thesis? you can email to [email protected] the success of our thesis greatly depends on your hands. we dont have the other reference. your help is greatly appreciated.. thanks.

how to make an enrollment system using java.net?...can you help us...!!!!?

. hello Sir can you please send me the code of the enrollment system for the improvement of the system that we made, .. thanks...!!!

hi!! gud pm..sir i need the codes on how to identify the old and new student..patulong naman po..

Please can you help me finish our TOR system using VB6.. Can you give a sample GUI.. Thanks!

As you can see in my enrollment system I don't have a transcript of records report because it's very hard to create this in crystal reports. I have however a transcript of records in ms access version but I don't want to share this.

Creating "Detailed Reports" such as Transcripts of records etc, taks a lot of time in Crystal Report, but creating this kind of entity in MS Access is very easy, what I did recently, I've just Linked the data to MS Access via ODBC Connect, once I have the data in MS Access then you can play around...the worse is if the user don't have MS Access, then what you are going to do? Well, here what I did, everytime, the data passes to MS Access, I've just created a program that convert them or output them to Acrobat / .pdf format. Here's what i did, when you compiled or created run-time version version of MS Access, you can distribute it as many as you can, igonore about the license on it, but before that, you need to create a program that converting MS Access reports to Acrobat / .pdf format. Once it is done, the reports looks very professional, and by the way, some of my reports outputted to Acrobat format, I'm just passing the Crytal Reports and outputted every reports to Acrobat format, the report is fine, very professional, you can e-mail them instantly, send them thru fax, upload load to your webserver, etc...this is what I did, I dont know, if you have any idea, then good! but for me, designing a much complicated reports requires a lot of variations.

Can you post some codes about saving, opening files using vb.net?

I downloaded it already, so how can I use it? Are there any tutorials? Thanks!

Can you please help me how to use this enrollment system? Thanks! Are there any tutorials?

Hi, I have a question regarding windows form grading system. The basic function of my Grading System is for the Teacher to have a template for their grading requirement. Do i need to have a MS ACCESS Template Database to be use by my application, since my application is offline? If not, then what is the file type to be save the current work in the application and re opening it some other time? Hope your not confuse. Thanks

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Actually I'm totally confuse. Template in ms access is different from the template of excel. I bit you don't have any knowledge about programming. If this is the case, you need a database storage in which ms access is the answer.

i've downloaded you hotel reservation system..and i'm trying to read the codes..the problem is I can't understand it.haha i have my thesis this sem. and I should finish it on or before sept. 15..but i'm not that good in programming though im an IT student.haha i made use of VB.NET..can you help me w/that?? by the way, it's Student Information and Scheduling System..pls..email me..thanks alot! :)

hope it works...

Hi, I don't have Crystal Reports installed in my machine. What can I do in order to be able to build your project ? Thanks in advance.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Download the 90 days trial version of VB.NET professional or team edition.

Hey dude nice project, But I have one question for you, Can any how, we can use Java class\ Jar file in VB , Vb. application, Did you try that ? Thanks

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I think you can't.

hi sir..just want to ask if you know how to encrypt the username and password in the database using vb.net?my professor is requiring us to encrypt the entered username and password during the creation of new user and when the new user login,the username and password should be decrypted. hope you can help me.tnx.

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