do you have sample application?
do you have sample application, a visual basic in visual studio using crystal reports 2008 in reporting
This is a complete enrollment system that you can use in recording a students information. I started working with this project using MS Access. One of the best feature of this system is the use of a parent/child to grand child using Windows Form and a DataGridView control.
A must have features:
1. Automatic loading of subject/course from Regular Load table in Student's Information form under the School Year & Course tab.
2. A parameterized dataset in Student's Information form to search for lastname.
3. A combobox, button and checkbox inside a grid.
4. Regular Load masterfile.
5. Advance reports using stored procedure.
And a lot more.
I have provided a video tutorial so that questions will be minimize on this code. You can access it here:
Note: You need VB.NET version 2008 and SQL Server 2000 or above in order to run this program.
1. Auto increment IDNo.
2. Transcript of Records report - I hope somebody can help me of this report.
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do you have sample application, a visual basic in visual studio using crystal reports 2008 in reporting
Download the source code above and study on how I use crystal reports in this program. You may also study this tutorial on how to debug a program.