
Convert MySQL Table Data to XML Using PHP: A Step-by-Step Guide to Export Database Records

Submitted by oretnom23 on

This tutorial will guide you through the systematic procedure of Exporting MySQL Database Table Records to a XML File using the PHP language. Geared towards students and PHP beginners, this guide serves as a valuable reference, offering insights to bolster their understanding and programming skills. I will present a straightforward web application that illustrates the primary objective outlined in this article.

Transforming XML Data into a PHP Array: Unleash the Power of XML Parsing in PHP!

Submitted by oretnom23 on

In this tutorial, we will uncover the optimal methods for Converting XML Data into a PHP Array. Geared towards students and PHP beginners, this tutorial serves as a valuable resource to elevate your programming skills. Sample PHP snippets will be shared to offer a deeper understanding of the effective use of PHP functions and methods outlined in this tutorial.

CRUD Operation in XML File using PHP with Modal Tutorial

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a CRUD(create, read, update and delete) operation also knows as add, edit, delete in XML Files using PHP with Bootstrap Modal to handle our Forms. XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language which is designed to store and transport data and sometimes used as a database substitute.