
Simple Image Preview Before Upload

In this tutorial we will show you how to create a Simple Image Preview Before Upload. This feature lets the user view the chosen image before they upload it. And you can easily add image preview option on file upload using JavaScript and jQuery. Simple Image Preview Before Upload is a most required feature for file upload functionality. It helps the user to view chosen file and change the image before upload.

Simple Love Calculator

If your looking for a Simple Web Application for entertainment I have here a Simple Love Calculator using PHP and Javascript. This application has a two inputs of a name for the male and female. Every letter or name that the user encode the application will automatically calculate the percentage of love with that two names that the user encode. The calculation of the percentage is driven by the javascript to show how much percentage that the two name will be each other or not.

Countdown Celebration Event

Hello Guys! We will create a Countdown Celebration Event using strong>Javascript time format script. This project creates a celebration event or countdown event in different event that you have, it is a simple form of event using html for the GUI and javascript for the date and time for the given event based on the real-time monitoring using your laptop or desktops default date and time.

Instagram Status Post

In this tutorial we will create a instagram status script post in PHP and Javascript. This project creates a post message that you can comment or reply in every statuses that the user posted. And their are features that you will like delete post or you can comment to the other people post and it is real time process of the data so the user will know what day and what time did the user posted or created the status. This project is related to all SNS system that creates and shows the data to other user of that system.

Simple jQuery Image Zoom

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create jQuery Image Zoom. It is a simple and easy to use jQuery image zoom that enlarge your images on mouse over, grab, click or toggle. And jQuery image zoom has a plugin. Simple jQuery image zoom lets you partially clip and confine large images on your site to a smaller container to save space, with the hidden portion accessible by dragging or panning inside the image.

Addition Of Four Numbers Using JavaScript

Good Day!!!

In this tutorial, we are going to learn a simple program and this is called Addition Of Four Numbers Using JavaScript. Which have HTML Form Tag to have the sum of four numbers. We have four text box to input the number to be added, one for sum button, and one for the reset button to clear the input number that the user has a new value of the number to be added.