angular js

Creating an AngularJS CRUD using UI-Router and PHP/MySQLi Tutorial

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a CRUD Operation in Angular JS using Ui-Router to manage our routes and PHP/MySQLi to handle our backend with MySQL as our Database. You will learn in this tutorial how to use UI-Router. Angular JS is a javascript framework maintained by Google and is capable of creating Single-Page Applications.

Creating a Simple Upload File with AngularJS Progress Bar and PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles how to create a progress bar in Angular JS. Angular JS is a javascript framework maintained by Google and is capable of creating Single-Page Applications. In the case of this tutorial, we show our progress bar on file upload to track its progress. Increase your upload size by editing your php.ini for uploads.

Creating an AngularJS CRUD App with Search, Sort and Pagination with PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This is a CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) using Angular JS with the help of PHP and MySQLi to handle our database. Also includes how to filter/search data, sort data and paginate data from our MySQL Database. Angular JS is a javascript framework maintained by Google and is capable of creating Single-Paged Applications.

Angular JS Login with Session using PHP/MySQLi Tutorial

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles how to create a login page using Angular JS and set SESSION with PHP/MySQLi. Angular JS is a javascript framework maintained by Google and is capable of creating Single-Page Applications. In this tutorial, we'll set up PHP Session to prevent users from going into our homepage if not authenticated.

Angular JS Simple Register using Ui-Router

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a simple register in Angular JS using Ui-Router to handle our routes and PHP/MySQLi to handle our backend and database. After a successful register, we are going to redirect our registered user to our homepage. Angular JS is a javascript framework maintained by Google and is capable of creating Single-Page Applications.

AngularJS Digital Clock using a Directive

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a running digital clock in Angular JS by creating a custom directive. Calling this directive in our html will return a running digital clock where the date is filtered depending on our set filter. Angular JS is a javascript framework maintained by Google and is capable of creating Single-Page Applications.