How to Add/Update/Delete Record using MS Access Database
The primary purpose of this code is to teach beginner programmer to familiarize the concept of database programming.
This is particularly for beginner but may also applicable for intermediate programmer.
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database connectivity for with oracle and sql
how to changing next record to access
add and update in access database
help..kindly explain..
Where CustomerID = table
u should mention delete cod for save
this code is intended for save
matindi tlga ang mga
hai plz provide me the code
please help me..
Query database and update some fields from the queried rows
- Dim sqlQRY As String = "SELECT * FROM JSM_LEDEN WHERE Kaartnummer = " & IntCardNr
- Dim JSM_DataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(sqlQRY, JSM_Conn)
- Dim JSM_DataSet As DataSet = New DataSet
- JSM_DataAdapter.Fill(JSM_DataSet, "JSM_Leden")
- Dim JSM_DataTable As DataTable = JSM_DataSet.Tables("JSM_Leden")
- Dim row As DataRow
- Dim NumLessons As Integer = 0
- Dim LastLogDate As Date
- For Each row In JSM_DataTable.Rows
- Txt_Name.Text = row("Naam")
- Txt_Forename.Text = row("Voornaam")
- Txt_Address.Text = row("Straat")
- Txt_City.Text = row("Gemeente")
- Txt_Zip.Text = row("Postcode")
- If IsDBNull(row("Tel")) Then
- Txt_Phone.Text = ""
- Else
- Txt_Phone.Text = row("Tel")
- End If
- If IsDBNull(row("GSM")) Then
- Txt_GSM.Text = ""
- Else
- Txt_GSM.Text = row("GSM")
- End If
Hi! How to Add data in SQL Server using a form Add New Entry
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Updatign code
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please help
Null reference exception
Error in showing record
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Hi everybody...
Hi everybody...
in vb6 delete data
Help me Please...!!! :(
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Problem In Deleting Item from List View : Please help Me!
need a help
Connecting VB 2008 and Access 2007 or 2003 Add, Update, Delete,.
about student record information system
I need help.!!!
datagrid click
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