How To Create Registration Form In PHP/MySQL Using PDO Query

Related Code: Registration Page In PHP/MySQL If you are looking for on How To Create Registration Form In PHP/MySQL Using PDO Query then you are at the right place. In this tutorial, we are going to learn on how to create registration page using PHP/MySQL but with the use of PDO query. In this article, the user types their information in the form field to save in the database.

Information Gateway System (Barangay Demographics Governance Management)

# Information Gateway System # Point release: 17/11/2015 by Jii Yo with REDCAPPER Information Gateway System - Barangay Application ==================================== Information Gateway Application has a suite of selective modules specifically tailored to the requirements of education industry. Information Gateway System is engineered and designed considering range of management functions

Social Networking Site: Improving of Login System using Advance PHP

In this tutorial, we will focus on how to improve our PHP code in more dynamic ways using Object Oriented Programming. To start with this application, open first our web directories then look for the index.php file and make a copy of it, and name the old “index.php” into” index_basic.php”. Then inside the includes folder, look for the “member.php” and open it because we’re going to add another static function that will be used during the user authentication.

Uploading of Photos using Advance PHP

In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to upload photo using PHP/MySQL, and this tutorial is a continuation of our previous topic called Social Networking Site: Simple Uploading of Profile picture in the home page. But in this time we’re not going to use the “home.php” file instead, we’re going to create a new page named “upload_photos.php”.

How to Create a Page Navigation (Pagination) using PHP/MySQL with Twitter Bootstrap

In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to create a simple Page Navigator or a Pagination using PHP and MySQL Database with Twitter bootstrap. If you are a web developer or you want to learn about programming, it is very important to know about Pagination with PHP and MySQL. Using the pagination with PHP, it allows you to paging the data into number of pages. To start with this application, first we need to set up our framework and file directories. This time, you need to download bootstrap framework.

Social Networking Site: Reusing of Codes using PHP Include

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to reuse of codes using PHP includes, this including of files saves a lot of work. Since we are using a standard Header and Footer this is the best time to apply this concept. So that later on, if you need to update the header you can simply update the header include file not all the pages that has same header. To start with tutorial, open first our project called “philsocial”.