Payroll System: How to Compute Withholding Tax

On my last post I submitted projects that will Compute SSS on a Payroll System. This time you’ll learn on how to compute Withholding Tax based on the Withholding Tax table as revised for January 2009. Withholding tax is computed based on gross pay minus deductions like SSS, PHIC, & Pag-ibig contribution. For complete information on the manual computation please visit http:/

There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first

This error occur if you forgot to include “MultipleActiveResultSets=True” in your connection string. It was actually on by default in VS 2005 but was later set to off. Here’s an example of a connection string w/ MARs set. SQL Server authentication: cnString = "Data Source=" & ServerName & ";Initial Catalog=" & DatabaseName & ";Persist Security Info=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;User ID=sa

Payroll System: How to Compute SSS

Are you struggling on how to compute the SSS of the employee based on the “Schedule of SS and EC Contributions” table? This project will let you compute the Employee Share, Employer Share, and EC based on the gross income of the employee. The SSS Contribution is computed semi-monthly. The gross income is divided into two and the 2nd half of the month is computed based on the 1st half of the month

How to Read and Write XML File using VB.NET

In this example you’ll learn on how to read and write into XML file using VB.NET. XML file is useful if you want to store simple data like storing database name and server information so that your application will remember what server and or database your program is connected in last session. An example of storing your database and server info: Where “server” is the name of your computer that run