PHP Tutorial

PHP/MySQL Simple Water Billing System

We will teach you how to create Simple Water Billing System. This simple system uses for recording the water consumption every month you use, it also creates and total all your consumption from your previous record to the present. You can also generate a report for the billing process of your records from the beginning you started using this system.

Authentication Secure Login, Registration and View Profile

Authentication Secure Login, Registration and View Profile where the users of your websites can be able to create their accounts, and log in with their valid information so as to access the system to their various accounts. Users information during registration process have been validated and stored in the database. The system can show you the details about your profile that you've been created before and after you logging in. The system validates new users for duplicate email addresses and performs valid authentication during registered users log in.

Update, Delete And Reserve Product In PHP

Update, Delete And Reserve Product In PHP, in this tutorial i will teach you how this application created in PHP. This simple tutorial updates the products and the quantity of every data of product. You can also Delete and Reserve a products that you want to reserve. Each product that you've been reserved has based on the day that you issued and the day that you want it to pick the product. Every reserved product has been recorded to the list of reserved users.

Small and Capital Letters Count in PHP

In this tutorial, we are going to create a simple program that can count small and capital letters in the webpage and it's called Small and Capital Letters Count in PHP. If you are looking for this kind of program then you are at the right place. This simple program is written using PHP and HTML. This is a very short PHP query that can count the number of Small and Capital letters in a given word by the user enters in the TextBox. This simple source code is very simple to use yet easy to understand.