Learn on how to create a Submit Post In SQLite3 using PHP. An advance php coding technique that use SQLite database to submit post data. This is useful when you want to post some of your story like facebook app
Learn on how to create a Limit Maximum Post Submit using PHP. An advance PHP technique that can limit the submitted post to the database server. This code is useful when you want to send a warning when your database server is about to reach its maximum capacity.
Learn on how to create a Remove Table Row using Ajax. An advance PHP technique that use ajax request to delete a table row without refreshing the page. This can be useful when sending a POST data to the database without calling back the browser page default.
Learn on how to create a Simple Submit POST Using PDO. A simple PDO technique that can submit a POST data to the database server. By using PDO as your query, this will make your data protected against mysqli injector.
Learn on how to create a Submit Post When Drag Using jQuery. A advance jQuery technique that can store data information to the database server by dragging. This code is useful because you only just drag the object to the drop zone and it will automatically save the data to the database.
Learn on how to create Submit Data Without Page Refresh Using MySQLi. A simple php application that teach to submit a post data without page refreshing. This could be use when you want to show the data as soon as you store it.
Learn on how to create a Submit Post Data To SQLite Using PDO&jQuery. A simple tool that let you send the data inputs using jQuery POST. This can be use when you want to stop the page from refreshing when submitting a POST data.
Learn on how create Submit Form Data Using Ajax POST Method. This code can compressed multiple files at the same time. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. Using PHP, you can let your user directly interact with the script and easily to learned its syntax. It is mostly used by a newly coders for its user friendly environment.
This tutorial tackles on how to embed facebook post to your page. In order for this to work, you don't have to have a facebook developer appid. You just need to include the javascript sdk and the codes generated by the facebook social plugin generator.
This tutorial tackles on how to create a simple user post using AJAX/jQuery in Laravel. We will be using the Laravel Native User Auth/Built-in Login for our user authentication. This tutorial has a continuation that will tackle how to add comment and like on each post.