Simple and Intelligent Standard Calculator Using HTML

Submitted by sminuwa on
This is a Simple Web App called Simple and Intelligent Standard Calculator. This HTML source code was developed using HTML, CSS, and Javascript (jQuery). I know that everyone knows how the calculator works and I'll just explain the other features of this simple HTML Project. The calculator app is able to save the calculation history and this feature uses the web browser's local storage which is

How to Create a Navigation Bar in HTML/CSS

Submitted by rinvizle on

This simple tutorial will teach you how to make a Navigation Bar through CSS script in horizontal and vertical postion. A navigation bar is a user interface element within a webpage that contains links to other sections of the website. In most cases, the navigation bar is part of the main website template, which means it is displayed on most, if not all, pages within the website. This means that no matter what page you are viewing, you can use the navigation bar to visit other sections of the website.

Mini Youtube Using ReactJS

Submitted by moazkhan on
This is one the best starter for ReactJS. MiniYoutube as the name suggests is a youtube like website developed using reactJS and youtube API. This project actually let's you search , play and list youtube videos. Do check it out and start learning ReactJS. Keep following for more awesome tutorials. If you like it then please encourage me by giving a star on Github: https://github.com/moazkh60

ReactJS 16 structured App and Bootstrap 4

Submitted by klevis on
This app is a starter for React js 16 with a nice structure and bootstrap 4, i dint use webpack config or gulp or grunt for deploy but just react scripts. Setup: Download the code and extract got to directory and install the packages npm install --> install all npm modules npm start --> start the project This app use the react scripts for deploy. For more details go to my repository https://github

Transport Mangement System

Submitted by Trust Trinity on
Currently, the transport department of Africa University operates 50 vehicles including private cars, buses and Lories they serve for different purposes like transporting goods, employees and students to and from different places using a manual system. Due to the expansion of the campus and the fleet it is becoming very difficult for the logistics department to do the job of(receiving transport

Point Of Sale (POS) Ultimate and Advanced

Submitted by janan on
This Program Caawiye (POS) is Under Developing Source. I can say it could be more useful and good reference for those who learn design and developing a Software. Features * Reports Basic on Date and Time. * Sales Invoice With Advanced auto increment Invoices. * Item Record/ * Product Warehouse. * Customer Care and Information Gathering. Database Name: caawiye Username and Password: User =

Auto Suggest Dynamic Input Tag

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will show you a Auto Suggest Dynamic Input Tag in jQuery. Most of the social media's has a input tag's fields that are commonly used. This project has a autocomplete suggestions generated from the list of JSON queries and jQuery plugins. The system works with a predefined tags in the plugin to work. And for the tags to be work the database from the AJAX will pull and the results to display in the input tags form.