Transport Mangement System

Currently, the transport department of Africa University operates 50 vehicles including private cars, buses and Lories they serve for different purposes like transporting goods, employees and students to and from different places using a manual system. Due to the expansion of the campus and the fleet it is becoming very difficult for the logistics department to do the job of(receiving transport request from different faculties, allocating faculties transport services , making sure the transport for students and stuff is always available at the right time, documenting the movement of all vehicles they have etc, ) With the above problems I proposed to come up with a web based system that will eliminate most of the problem being faced with this department at the same time reducing the work load for everyone since the system will allow the people to work from their respective stations doing (bookings, approving bookings, assigning driver and car to be used, security at checkout points can also see trips to be taken by who and what vehicle to be used for that trip) with this proposed system it will be easy to produce reports, manage bookings This system will have menus where users will select what service they need from this department 1.9 DESIGN SPECIFICATION 1.9.1 EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION HARDWARE FOR COMPUTER WORKING AS THE SERVER • Intel Core i3 2500T 3.3Ghz or more • 4GB Ram or more • 500 database space or more • Network interface card • 1256kbps or faster internet connection • Keyboard and mouse FOR THE CLIENT COMPUTERS • Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/ smart phones and tablets • Intel Celeron B820 1.7Ghz /AMD E2-1800 1.7Ghz or higher • 2GB of Ram or higher • 1256kbps or faster internet connection • Network interface card • Keyboard/Mouse for input 1.9.2 SOFTWARE ON THE SERVER COMPUTER i. Visual studio 2013 64bit • • JavaScript • Cascading style sheet (css) • Visual ii. Sql server 2014 64bit iii. Crystal reports 64bit iv. With connection to the google drive ON CLIENT COMPUTER i. Browser (google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, safari etc.) ii. .Net frame work v 3.5 iii. Microsoft office 2013 (excel, word)

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Let's see what happens .............. first of all i'll check

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