Students Information System
Student Information System
This will record the payments received from students. The amount is calculated using a running balance. It has a student's receipt report and Overall collection per school year and semester.
Hope this help.
Account Information
username: admin
password: admin
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Students Information System source codes in Java
student informatiion system
about primary key
Two problem:
1>i have 4 table: attendance,profile1,profile2,registration.
in all table employeeID is common.
So how i set primary key & foreign key.
2>I have datagridview. now I want to see the record of one month of employee,then i write employeeid in textbox then click on generate.
How to make this?
of mail to : [email protected]
i need your help to do our
hi sir ! can you send the
please help us :-(
souce code for student data manegmnt system
hello sir!
hi. how can i make an scale
hello urgently i want source
thesis system developer
request to send student information system project with c++
Hi..Kindly provide me with
i need a code
Iam woking a student
pls I need U̶̲̥̅̊ guyz help urgently
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