Students Information System

Student Information System

This will record the payments received from students. The amount is calculated using a running balance. It has a student's receipt report and Overall collection per school year and semester.

Hope this help.

Account Information

username: admin
password: admin

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i try to make a code base on my knowledge in PHP but when i calculate the grades it will give this kind of error "WARNING Division is zero" someone can help me in my problem on how to create the correct code?,. please???...

sir kindly send me the codes of this please ..


Good day sir. Can u send me the source codes of this system in Java. It would be a great help in my IT project management course I'm currently taking. Here's my e-mail address: Thank you.

sir, please help me regarding my project in on student information system having all the relevant pages. sir, kindly provide me with the c# coding,having uml diagrams, with the help of sql database. please help me sending the same to my id at

Two problem:
1>i have 4 table: attendance,profile1,profile2,registration.
in all table employeeID is common.
So how i set primary key & foreign key.

2>I have datagridview. now I want to see the record of one month of employee,then i write employeeid in textbox then click on generate.
How to make this?

of mail to :

kindly send me some codes of library system using vb6..tnx...and plssss.

i need your help to do our proj.. About student record system using access2007 connect to visual basic! plz...

hi sir ! can you send the source code for search,,in visual basic thankz a lot!

I need a code for student information system,,, pls kindly email me :-(

hiiii...please provide me with code for student data manegment system enrollment includes: registration attendence marks grades frontend java backend c or c++ please help me

hello sir!my name is anusha...i need source code for student management system front end as java and back end c++ my email id is

hi. how can i make an scale for password? a scale that can determine whether the password is weak, good, or strong?? please help me.

this is very very use full thanks a lot

hello urgently i want source code for student details like attendence,marks ...plllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzz do mail... my mail id is

you need student information system..just email me at or add my fb advertising programming at

Hi..Kindly provide me with code for student information system and another code for grading information system using database...if can have it pls kindly email me on my email add.

can you give me a code of that system?.. thanks just email me.. i will your response

Iam woking a student information management system using phpmysql.Could you kindly provide me a full source code for this system...thanks.

sir i need help regarding with the display of student tuition fees, balance and total please attach the code in my email thank you for the respond

Pls I need d codes for design and implementation of tourism information system. Will really appreciate if urgently attended to. Thanks

can this source code be applicable to java netbeans?

sir plz help me to provide complete code for student information system application having pages showing using php:

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