C# Analog Clock On Win Form

Hi, Here is an C# Analogue Clock on windows form. .NET Framework 4.0

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A small patch: Less flicker and sharper graphics using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Analog_Clock_On_Form { public partial class ClockTime : UserControl { private const float PI = (float)Math.PI; private DateTime dTime; private float fRadius, fCenterX, fCenterY, fCenterCircleRadius, fHourLength; private float fMinLength, fSecLength, fHourThickness, fMinThickness, fSecThickness; private float fTicksThickness = 3; private Color secColor = Color.RoyalBlue; private Color circleColor = Color.Lime; public bool Draw1MinuteTicks { get; set; } = true; public bool Draw5MinuteTicks { get; set; } = true; public Color TicksColor { get; set; } = Color.Navy; public Color HourHandColor { get; set; } = Color.Orange; public Color MinuteHandColor { get; set; } = Color.Red; public Color SecondHandColor { get { return this.secColor; } set { this.secColor = value; this.circleColor = value; } } public ClockTime() { InitializeComponent(); this.DoubleBuffered = true; } private void ClockTime_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { dTime = DateTime.Now; this.ClockTime_Resize(sender, e); } private void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.dTime = DateTime.Now; this.Refresh(); } private void DrawLine(float fThickness, float fLength, Color color, float fRadians, PaintEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(color, fThickness), fCenterX - (float)(fLength / 9 * Math.Sin(fRadians)), fCenterY + (float)(fLength / 9 * Math.Cos(fRadians)), fCenterX + (float)(fLength * Math.Sin(fRadians)), fCenterY - (float)(fLength * Math.Cos(fRadians))); e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; } private void DrawPolygon(float fThickness, float fLength, Color color, float fRadians, PaintEventArgs e) { PointF A = new PointF((float)(fCenterX + fThickness * 2 * Math.Sin(fRadians + PI / 2)), (float)(fCenterY - fThickness * 2 * Math.Cos(fRadians + PI / 2))); PointF B = new PointF((float)(fCenterX + fThickness * 2 * Math.Sin(fRadians - PI / 2)), (float)(fCenterY - fThickness * 2 * Math.Cos(fRadians - PI / 2))); PointF C = new PointF((float)(fCenterX + fLength * Math.Sin(fRadians)), (float)(fCenterY - fLength * Math.Cos(fRadians))); PointF D = new PointF((float)(fCenterX - fThickness * 4 * Math.Sin(fRadians)), (float)(fCenterY + fThickness * 4 * Math.Cos(fRadians))); PointF[] points = { A, D, B, C }; e.Graphics.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(color), points); e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; } private void ClockTime_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { float fRadHr = (dTime.Hour % 12 + dTime.Minute / 60F) * 30 * PI / 180; float fRadMin = (dTime.Minute) * 6 * PI / 180; float fRadSec = (dTime.Second) * 6 * PI / 180; DrawPolygon(this.fHourThickness, this.fHourLength, HourHandColor, fRadHr, e); DrawPolygon(this.fMinThickness, this.fMinLength, MinuteHandColor, fRadMin, e); DrawLine(this.fSecThickness, this.fSecLength, secColor, fRadSec, e); for (int i = 0; i 60; i++) { if (this.Draw5MinuteTicks == true && i % 5 == 0) // Draw 5 minute ticks { e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(TicksColor, fTicksThickness), fCenterX + (float)(this.fRadius / 1.50F * Math.Sin(i * 6 * PI / 180)), fCenterY - (float)(this.fRadius / 1.50F * Math.Cos(i * 6 * PI / 180)), fCenterX + (float)(this.fRadius / 1.65F * Math.Sin(i * 6 * PI / 180)), fCenterY - (float)(this.fRadius / 1.65F * Math.Cos(i * 6 * PI / 180))); } else if (this.Draw1MinuteTicks == true) // draw 1 minute ticks { e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(TicksColor, fTicksThickness), fCenterX + (float)(this.fRadius / 1.50F * Math.Sin(i * 6 * PI / 180)), fCenterY - (float)(this.fRadius / 1.50F * Math.Cos(i * 6 * PI / 180)), fCenterX + (float)(this.fRadius / 1.55F * Math.Sin(i * 6 * PI / 180)), fCenterY - (float)(this.fRadius / 1.55F * Math.Cos(i * 6 * PI / 180))); } } //draw circle at center e.Graphics.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(circleColor), fCenterX - fCenterCircleRadius / 2, fCenterY - fCenterCircleRadius / 2, fCenterCircleRadius, fCenterCircleRadius); e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; } private void ClockTime_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Width = this.Height; this.fRadius = this.Height / 2; this.fCenterX = this.ClientSize.Width / 2; this.fCenterY = this.ClientSize.Height / 2; this.fHourLength = (float)this.Height / 3 / 1.85F; this.fMinLength = (float)this.Height / 3 / 1.20F; this.fSecLength = (float)this.Height / 3 / 1.15F; this.fHourThickness = (float)this.Height / 100; this.fMinThickness = (float)this.Height / 150; this.fSecThickness = (float)this.Height / 200; this.fCenterCircleRadius = this.Height / 50; timer1.Start(); } } }

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