How to Create Installation File

I received a lot of question through email and comments system so I decided to include this in my FAQ section.

If you are familiar with the language you are using most probably you already know the built in packages. In Visual Basic 6.0 there is an add-in that you can use to create an installer. This can be found under the Add-ins menu >> Add-In Manager then loading the Package and Deployment Wizard.

Using Stored Procedures with ASP.NET


Stored procedures are series of SQL statements grouped into a single unit, we can pass parameters to the stored procedures same like the passing parameters to the functions Simple stored procedure USE [databasename] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[user_insert_mycomment] Script Date: 11/19/2008 22:45:11 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO

Datasource control with MySQL Datasource control with MySQL

We can use the Datasource control with MySQL, for this we have to require two things. This can be done without writing any codes,simpy we have to assign the ConnectionsString in the SQLDataSource control. the string will be like that DS1.ConnectionString="Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};server=YourServerIP;database=" & _ "YourDB;user=YourUID;pwd=YourPWD;option=3;"

Execute Commands Methods: How to use it?


We have 4 types of Exceute methods, through which we can excecute the quries angainst Database. 1). ExecuteNonQuery(() 2). ExecuteReader() 3). ExecuteScalar() 4). ExceuteXmlReader() 1). ExecuteNonQuery(() Explanation: Executes a command but does not return any value or output usage conditions: UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE statements using System; using System.Data;