Billing Software
The source code contain advance coding specially on how to manipulate data using SQL Language. You will appreciate how I use the WHERE Clause statement to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE record from the database using a combination of sql statement.
Basic features include:
- Monthly Charges
- Receive Payment
- Customer Ledger
- Collectibles
- Paid Charges
- Payment History
- Reporting
- And a lot more...
Account information
username: admin
password: a
For the database password please read FAQ.
Download Billing System v1.0 Installer here.
Note: If you come from just to download the ocx file please download the full source code below. The ocx file is included in the zip file.
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Advice regarding a ticketing project
Hey, i really am stuck. I am developing a ticket printing software with VB and i really need some help. Can you help me please?
I need ur Hepl to Create a Database.
M a T.Y B.Sc I.T Student , I Need ur Hepl to create a Database for my Project on Imitation Jewellery.
How can i Contact U ???
re: I need ur Hepl to Create a Database
How complicated is your requirement on the said project?
Project Help
Itz better if i cud get ur ID so tht i can chat wid u on this.
A Company takes Raw material of imitation jewellery from Market(Vendor).
Turns it into Finished Product.
And Returns tht product to the Market(Vendor) back.
I need a Database to keep a track of this Transaction.
The Raw material is parts of Ear rings like Diamonds,beads,Strings , etc...
& turn them into Finished Ear ring.
Like wise itz for Neckless, pendents, bracelet,etc.
Itz better if i cud get ur ID
Itz better if i cud get ur ID so tht i can chat wid u on this.
A Company takes Raw material of imitation jewellery from Market(Vendor).
Turns it into Finished Product.
And Returns tht product to the Market(Vendor) back.
I need a Database to keep a track of this Transaction.
The Raw material is parts of Ear rings like Diamonds,beads,Strings , etc...
& turn them into Finished Ear ring.
Like wise itz for Neckless, pendents, bracelet,etc...
Help Help Help
PLz Bro i need ur Help.
I want Finish Designing tht Database PArt by 3rd Jan PLz...
Therefore, i want ur hepl to crate the Database.
I wnt to knw wht shud be the Tables in it???
Wht shud be their Feilds???
Help Help Help. . .
PLz Bro i need ur Help.
I want Finish Designing tht Database PArt by 3rd Jan PLz...
Therefore, i want ur hepl to crate the Database.
I wnt to knw wht shud be the Tables in it???
Wht shud be their Feilds???
re: Help Help Help
Please do not post multiple messages with the same content.
What do you really want to achieve? Whole project or just the database schema? May be I can help you if you only need the database. Explain thoroughly what you need.
I just want the Database. Wht
I just want the Database.
Wht Tables should i include, wht should be their Feilds and their Relationships,etc
Which tables should hav Invoice Information.
Source Code Error
When I run your Inventory System source code I get the error at:
Dim mTest As CRAXDRT.Application
Dim mReport As CRAXDRT.Report
Dim SubReport As CRAXDRT.Report
Dim mParam As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinitions
Please help
re: Source Code Error
It seems that you do not have crystal reports installed in your computer. I'm using crystal reports 8.5 for this source code.
If you don't have a crystal reports just download the billing installer here so that dlls for crystal reports will be register to your computer.
Database Pssword
What's the Database Password.., Plz Tell Me. I'll be very thankful to you if u provide me.
re: Database Pssword
Access database Password is
inventory system
re: inventory system
If you'd like an inventory system you can download my Point of Sale program. It has a built-in inventory system plus point of sale.
For version I will finish hotel reservation first prior to upgrading point of sale.
Hearty thanks
We search this kind of project for us
Please send u r mail id mine is [email protected]
Manual of this billing System or a user's guide
hello Sir, i would like to ask if you have some Manual or a user' guide for this Billing system you had created....and also what kind of program u used for this....
thanks...God Bless....
re: Manual of this billing System or a user's guide
Sorry but I don't have a user's guide and or manual for this program.
I am using visual basic 6.0 and a crystal reports 8.5.
Thanks for the info
Thanks for the info the way, i would like u to know that im not a programmer...but i like to do microsoft visual basic 6.0 is the same as visual basic 6.0?
re: Manual of this billing System or a user's guide
Actually Sir, im working at the tv cable company and our billing system is a dos-based program using the clipper 5.2d programming's nice look at it when it's a windows-based programmed like what u did....wish to know more about this visual basic so that i can create a windows based program using visual the way sir i would like to know ur email add so that i wil send to u our billing system for helping me how to do this in visual basic....the bilng system i' send to u had already some data...what im going to do is i will do a fresh billing system...i hope u will help me in doing this....if our company will gant me a reward in doing this...i will not hesitate to give some reward to u also....
thanks and God Bless u always...
re: Manual of this billing System or a user's guide
I created this program particularly to be use in Cable Company's billing system. My client bought this program for about $650 USD.
I am willing to teach you but I'm so very busy with my work. If you need modification don't hesitate to contact me at the contact page above.
About ur Billing System
Sir, will you permit me to edit ur billing system coz i would like to copy all the info of our billing system here to ur program...and can i ask from you if ever i don't know how to do it?
re: About ur Billing System
Yes you can do whatever you want in my source code as long as you retain my credit to the original author. That's include of course where you download the source code.
Thanks Sir, of course sir i
Thanks Sir, of course sir i will retain ur credit as the author of this program....i hope u will answer all my concrns about ur billing system....coz there's a little bit different in our billing system here....if im going to add some details...i will do that in the source code...? is the source code with an extension of .vbp?
I suggest you learn the basic
I suggest you learn the basic of visual basic in order to modify the source code. This source code is not intended for beginners since it has an advanced coding.
Learn visual basic step by step then ask question as you go along. Don't jump right away to the source code if you don't know how to edit it.
Search google for tutorials on how to learn visual basic then start modifying the source code here.
It really has a lot of features that you need for a billing program.
Sir, will u permit me to edit
Sir, will u permit me to edit ur program? so that i can transfer all the info of our billing system to your program made...and i can i ask if there something i cannot understand?
thanks Sir...
Billing System
Sir, i would like to ask this situation, when i add my name as a user and i edit the user data in MS Access..i permit all the forms to my username but the problem is...when i tried to delete a subscriber there's a warning that only the admin can delete the subscriber...but i'm already an admin user...what i'm going to do about this....
re: Billing System
Sorry for the misconception but the admin checkbox in the user account under manage users do not relate to the code where only admin users are allowed to delete a record.
I just embed the admin username in the source code to check if the current user is an admin or not.
In this case if you want to delete the record based on the value of the checkbox in the user account you need to change the following code:
If LCase(CurrUser.USER_NAME) <> "admin" Then
MsgBox "Only admin user can delete subscriber.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
This code can be found in the frmCustomersList form.
So change the first line to determine if the current user is an admin user or not from the users table.
About Billing System
Sir, i have a problem in your billing...where i'm going to encode the payment made by the subscriber paid in check, check number, and the mode of payment...where i'm, going to edit this..?
re: About Billing System
Sorry but I did not include the mode of payment in this system. Anyway the source code is there and you are free to edit it.
How to compile VB Program to .exe file...
Sir, good day...i would like to ask on how to compile a Visual Basic Program to .exe file...what are the buttons that i click to compile....
Error when password change
in the modADO.bas line indicate below:
CN.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & DBPath & ";Persist Security Info=False;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=jaypee"
: when i change the password "jaypee" to my own password there's ad error and stated this way when i run the project:
error message: Error Number:-2147217843; Description: Not a valid password.
: then when i retry there's a dialog box appear and i click the debug, then the modProcedure.bas was opened and there's an statement highlighted in yellow:
RS.Open srcSQL, CN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
what i will do to this situation...sir, can u solve this problem...thanks....
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Actually Sir, im working at the tv cable company and our billing system is a dos-based program using the clipper 5.2d programming's nice look at it when it's a windows-based programmed like what u did....wish to know more about this visual basic so that i can create a windows based program using visual the way sir i would like to know ur email add so that i wil send to u our billing system for helping me how to do this in visual basic....the bilng system i' send to u had already some data...what im going to do is i will do a fresh billing system...i hope u will help me in doing this....if our company will gant me a reward in doing this...i will not hesitate to give some reward to u also....
thanks and God Bless u always...