php source code

Simple Image Stack Website using PHP and API

This project is titled Simple Image Stack Website. The web application enables visitors to explore multiple images. Its primary purpose is to serve as a reference or guide for students and beginners on Integrating PHP and API. The application boasts a straightforward and appealing user interface, coupled with user-friendly features and functionalities. How does this Image Stack Website work? The

Judging Management System using PHP and MySQL Free Source Code

This project is entitled Judging Management System. It is a web-based application that was developed using PHP Language and MySQL Database. The application provides an online and automated judging system. I manage certain organizations' event contests. It has a pleasant user interface and consists of user-friendly features and functionalities. How does the Judging Management System work? The

Creating Simple Barcode Generator Web App in PHP Tutorial

Learn on how to create a Simple Barcode Generator using PHP. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. Using PHP, you can let your user directly interact with the script and easily to learned its syntax. It is mostly used by a newly coders for its user-friendly environment.

Online Library System in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code

Online Library System in PHP/MySQL with Full Source Code This Library system is a web based system that is built to properly manage all operations inside the library. It is developed using PHP, CSS, BootStrap and MySQLi for the database. This Online Library System in PHP can be used by a user (student) and an admin (librarian). The features of this system are not that complicated even a newbie can

Online Reviewer Management System in PHP/PDO with Full Source Code

Online Reviewer Management System in PHP/PDO with Full Source Code The Online Reviewer Management System is a web based system that contains an admin side and the user side. This is designed as a user friendly system so that even first time learners won’t find any difficulty in navigating this Online Reviewer Management System in PHP/PDO. About the Online Reviewer Management System in PHP/PDO In

Café Ordering Management System Using PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code

Café Ordering Management System Using PHP/MySQLi The Café Ordering Management system is a web based system that is developed using PHP, BootStrap, CSS, JavaScript and MySQLi for the database. There are three sides in this Café Ordering Management System Using PHP/MySQLi; the admin side, cashier side and the customer. It is designed as a very easy to use system that the functions can be easily

Web-based Inventory Management System in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code

Web-based Inventory Management System in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code The Inventory system is a web based system that is developed using PHP, JavaScript, BootStrap, CSS and MySQL for the database. This I nventory Management System in PHP/MySQLi is designed as a very simple project that the users won’t find any difficulty in navigating the system. About the Inventory Management System in PHP

Tourism Website in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code

Tourism Website in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code The Tourism Website is a web based system that is developed using PHP, JavaScript, CSS, BootStrap and MySQL for the database. This Tourism Website in PHP/MySQLi contains two sides; the admin side and the user side. This is designed as a very simple system that the functions and features can be easily understood by anyone who uses it. About the

Web Based Quiz System in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code

Web Based Quiz System in PHP/MySQLi with Full Source Code The Quiz system is a simple online based project that is developed using PHP, JavaScript, BootStrap, CSS and MySQLi for the database. This Web Based Quiz System in PHP/MySQLi contains two sections; the admin side and the users side. This is designed as a very easy to use system that the functions can be easily understood by different users

Point of Sales and Inventory Management System in PHP/PDO with Full Source Code

Point of Sales and Inventory Management System in PHP/PDO with Full Source Code The Point of Sales and Inventory Management System is a software based system that is made up of PHP, JavaScript, CSS, BootStrap and MySQL database. In this Point of Sales and Inventory Management System in PHP/PDO that admin is the one who has the full responsibility in running the system and he takes charge in