Show / Hide Password HTML CSS JavaScript with Source Code

In this comprehensive guide, I will provide you with source codes that demonstrate how to create a show password input field. The source code is composed of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making it easy to integrate into your web projects. What is the Purpose of a Show/Hide Password Feature? The Show/Hide Password feature is a common functionality in application forms, such as Login and Registration

Interactive Bar Chart (Compare Countries of the World) using JavaScript with Source Code

Introduction This is a JavaScript Web Application project source code that will help you learn or understand how to create a chart report with options to dynamically update the chart data. This can be useful for some web applications feature such as analytical or statistical reports. About the project This project is about allowing the user to make a selection of 8 countries from a list of over

Photography Portfolio HTML/CSS Template

Portfolio and Photography HTML5/CSS template build with latest bootstrap framework , best suited for photographers. Features 3 HTML5/CSS3 Templates Video background for the homepage (YouTube Only) Supersized slideshow for the homepage Built on Skeleton Grid (Building new layouts is easy) PrettyPhoto Integration Google Maps Integration For any query: just ping me on Facebook https://web.facebook

Online Leave Management System in PHP

This is a leave management software developed in PHP7 and Mysql. It has a simple but elegant user interface that's appealing. It has all the functionalities you'll need to have a leave management website. There are three levels of users of this webapp: admin, staff, and supervisor users. ADMIN LOGIN Username: admin Password: admin SUPERVISOR LOGIN Username: supervisor Password: 12345678 STAFF

Social Media Image Rolling Effect using CSS3

Social Media Image Rolling Effect In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to make Image Rolling Effect using the power of CSS3 not only in the Social Media Image but also to all images you want or in the text. This image rotates in both sides. To rotate those image, kindly hover the cursor to automatically rotate. In this project, it contains simple CSS3 coding to have this effect. You can use