
Add a Button Control Pragrmatically in C#

Today in C#, we will create a program that will add a button pragmatically in windows form using C#. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2. You don't have to design a button in your form because we will just code to have a button when loading the form. 3.

Get Name of Multiple TextBoxes Control in C#

This is a simple tutorial in which we are going to get all the name of multiple textboxes in C# using a loop. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application in C# for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows Application. 2. Drag any textbox that you want and only one Button.

How to Bind Data to the Windows Forms DataGridView Control

[inline:DataGridView Control.jpg=How to Bind Data to the Windows Forms Datagridview Control] The DataGridView control provides a customizable table for displaying data. The DataGridView class allows customization of cells, rows, columns, and borders through the use of properties such as DefaultCellStyle, ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle, CellBorderStyle, and GridColor. (Source: MSDN)