
PHP - Get Multiple Checkbox Data Using jQuery

In this tutorial we will create a Get Multiple Checkbox Data Using jQuery. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. It is a lean and consistent way to access databases. The jQuery is a fast, reliable kind of cross-platform javascript library. It is designed to simplify the traditional way of coding in javascript.

Input Boxes and Drop-down Lists in HTML Table Cells

This is just a simple demonstration for students studying html , css and Javascript. The attached zip contains source code to demonstrate how to integrate CSS, HTML and JavaScript to style a table and put form elements into the cells of the table. The cells of the table contain neatly fitted input boxes, drop-down selection lists and checkboxes. When you click on a checkbox on a row it selects

Selecting Rows from MySQL Table using checkbox in PHP/MySQL

In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to select rows from MySQL Table using checkbox in PHP/MySQLi. This tutorial does not include a good design but will give you knowledge on the said topic. Creating our Database First, we're going to create a database that contains our data. 1. Open phpMyAdmin. 2. Click databases, create a database and name it as "checkbox". 3. After creating a database

Updating Using Radio Button - Checkbox and Dropdown List

In this tutorial I will you will learn about updates and how to save data in Mysql , display the information from MySQL, and most important How to update radio button, Checkbox and dropdown list in PHP and MySQL.This simple updating using radio button, checkbox and dropdown list in PHP and MySQL. This project creates a registration query through the form and automatically connect in the mysql to create database. And you can update and delete the data even if you are not in the database.

Update Multiple Rows in PHP/MySQL with Checkbox

In this tutorial, we are going to create Update Multiple Rows in PHP/MySQL with Checkbox. This tutorial will teach the user on how to create a simple program in PHP that can update multiple rows using the checkbox as the selector. The feature of this simple source code it can edit multiple data in the database table using a checkbox as a selector.

JCheckBox Component in Java

This is a tutorial in which we will going to create a program that has the JCheckBox Component using Java. The JCheckBox is used to let the user select one or more options. It is also a component that an item can be selected or deselected, and which displays its state to the user. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of 2.

CheckBox Control

I had discussed RadioButton a while ago and now I will introduce the CheckBox Control in VB.NET. CheckBox and RadioButton controls have a similar function: they allow the user to choose from a list of options. CheckBox controls let the user pick a combination of options. In contrast, RadioButton controls allow a user to choose from mutually exclusive options. They have the same popular event of .Checked. 1.