
How Save File Using SaveFileDialog in C#

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to save file .txt file using savefiledialog in c#. This method has the ability to save a text file using a SaveFileDialog class. SaveFileDialog is designed to control the file to be saved in the certain directory and it also provides a user-friendly interface to your form. See the procedure below to know how it works.

ColorDialog in C#

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to use a ColorDialog in C#. This method has the ability to select a color in a textbox. It shows a form with different colors that you can select to change your text and background color. See the procedure below to see how it works.

Employees Record System in C# and MySQL Database

This Employee’s Record system in an automated system that aims to easily keep track and organized with accuracy all records on all employees. This is ideal if you have a small business wherein you can save a lot of time and you can keep better records at the same time without hassle. With this system, you will no longer need paper forms and filing cabinets. All records and information of employees

Adding Multiple Columns and Rows in the DataGridView Programmatically Using C#.

This time, I’m going to teach you how to add multiple columns and rows in the Datagridview programmatically using C#. This method will illustrate on how to control the columns and rows by creating it manually inside the datagridview. This is a big help for you when you are a beginner in programming.