Project Source Code

Blackjack Card Game using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Blackjack Card Game is a web application created using the JavaScript programming language. The purpose of this project is to provide fun and enjoyable gameplay through this card game. The program is displayed in a web browser and includes card assets and various shape objects. The Blackjack Card Game in VanillaJS is designed for entertainment by allowing users to play the Blackjack card game

Synonym Word Finder using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Synonym Word Finder is a web application created using the JavaScript programming language. The purpose of this project is to provide a simple, helpful tool that can find synonyms for a specific word. The program is displayed in a web browser and includes a form input to receive the user's word input. The Synonym Word Finder in VanillaJS is designed to display several synonyms of a given word

Keycode Event Detector App in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Keycode Event Detector App is a web application created using the JavaScript programming language. The purpose of this project is to provide a simple tool that can detect keyboard key event codes. The program is displayed in a web browser and uses event capturing to track the event code of keyboard keys. The Keycode Event Detector App in VanillaJS is designed for detecting keyboard key events

Movie Review App using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Movie Review App is a web application created using the JavaScript programming language. The purpose of this project is to provide a platform for reviewing famous or upcoming movies. The program is displayed in a web browser and uses an input text box to search for movie titles. The Movie Review App in VanillaJS is designed for viewing all reviews for certain movies. This project demonstrates

Book Recording App using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Book Recording App is a web application created using the JavaScript programming language. The purpose of this project is to provide a simple book recording app that only records the title of the book and the author's name. The program is displayed in a web browser and includes form fields required to submit the information. The Book Recording App in VanillaJS is designed as a straightforward

Guess the Animal Game using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Guess the Animal Game is a web application created using the JavaScript programming language. The purpose of this project is to provide a simple and enjoyable guessing game. The program is displayed in a web browser and includes some form fields needed to submit the query. The Guess the Animal Game in VanillaJS is designed as a straightforward guessing game where you need to guess the name of

Draggable Tags App using HMTL&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Draggable Tags App is a web application created using the JavaScript programming language. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how to implement drag-and-drop functionality in a web application. The program is displayed in a web browser and features buttons that can be dragged to a target zone. The Draggable Tags App in VanillaJS is designed to showcase draggable features that

Box Shadow Generator App using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Box Shadow Generator App is a web application created using the JavaScript programming language. The purpose of this project is to provide a helpful tool for generating box shadow effects for your website design. The program is displayed in a web browser and includes a form where users can input and adjust various shadow properties such as offset, blur, spread, and color. The Box Shadow

Currency Converter App using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Currency Converter App is a web application created using the JavaScript programming language. The purpose of this project is to provide a simple way to convert currencies. The program is displayed in a web browser and contains a form for inputting and converting currencies. The Currency Converter App in VanillaJS is designed to convert any available currency using an API. This project

Worm Game using HTML&CSS in VanillaJS with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
The Worm Game is a web application created using the JavaScript programming language. The purpose of this project is to provide fun and enjoyable gameplay where the worm grows larger by eating food. The game is displayed in a web browser and features several object shapes. The Worm Game in VanillaJS is designed to offer simple and fun, score-based gameplay, where players collect items to increase