How to Create a Text Manipulation Tool in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a Text Manipulation tool in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with one button as 'go', textbox1 to contain the text to manipulate, textbox2 to contain the text reversed, textbox3 to contain the text muddled and textbox4 to contain the total characters of the text. Step 2: Now we want to set up our go button

How to Create a Local Revision Tool in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a Revision Tool program in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we need to create a form with... button1 - add a new question and answer textbox1 - contain a new question textbox2 - contain a new answer textbox3 - contain answer to current question button2 - begin revision button3 - check answer label1 - contain current question. We

How to Create a Quick Bing Searcher in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a quick bing searcher in visual basic. It will search a given query and launch the first three links. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to import some namespaces and create a function get a list of strings between two points within a given string... Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Imports System.Net Imports System.IO Private

How to Create an On-Screen Dimension Calculator in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a on-screen dimensions calculator. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with a button to begin the process. We also want to make two labels, one to say "Console:" and label2 to contain the current console status, set the default to "Idle...". We then want to Import System.Threading because we will be using a one second

How to Create a Image Viewer in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to a tutorial on how to create a Image Viewer in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with a button to laod the given image, a listbox to contain each loadable image from the given directory and a picturebox with the background image format set to zoom to display the given image correctly. Step 2: Next we want to create a defaultPath to load

How to Create a Reminder Tool in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to a tutorial on how to create a reminder tool in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with; Button1 - to add a new reminder Label2 - to store the current time Textbox1 - to store the text of a new reminder Textbox2 - to store the time of a new reminder Step 2: Next we want to create some custom functions, the titles of each explain exactly

How to Create a File Browser in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to a tutorial on how to create a file browser in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with a listbox to contain the current path items (files and directories), a button to open a directory and a button to go up a level. We also want to import System.IO so we can access our files, directories and paths. Imports System.IO Step 2: So, first

How to Create a Random ID Generator in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to a tutorial on how to create a Random ID generator. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First lets import System.Net and System.Text so we can use the internet and a function get a string between two points within a given string. Let's import those now and create our getbetween function... Imports System.Net Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Private Function GetBetween(ByVal

How to Create a Program to Login to Twitter in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to a tutorial on how to create a simple program to login to Twitter. This bot will not do anything other than login so you must know bot basics to carry on for performing actions. Steps of Creation: Step 1: I have created a simple form with just a button1 which is used for starting the process; Textbox1 to contain the username/email and Textbox2 for the password. You will

How to Create a Random Line Selector in Visual Basic

Introduction: Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a random line selector from a word document. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create a form with... Textbox1 - File Path Textbox2 - Chosen line Button1 - Browser for file path Button2 - Get random line Step 2: Now lets do the button1 function - selecting a file path... Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)