library system

Library System in Visual Basic .NET 2008 and SQL Server 2008

Here’s the full source code of the sample project, Visual Basic .NET 2008 Tutorial, I created this in addition with the tutorial that I've made several months ago. It is advised that you will follow the tutorial closely to understand how I created this project. There’s nothing so much information about this project for certainly, this project is not intended for advance programmer, thus it is

Library Management System

Credits to admin the one who create the Library System and Library Management System in Ms Access that is posted on this sitefor giving the guides in creating the LMS... This system is created to replace the manual lending, returning and inventory of books. features.. * 2 user account administrator, able to use all system function while user, only for searching books.. *advance search function

How to Create a Windows Application Project

In order to create an application in Visual Basic .NET like Payroll System, Accounting System, Enrollment System, Calculator, Point of Sale System, and Library System you need to create a project called “Windows Application”.

If you are new to programming and want to learn Visual Basic, you will probably confuse with so many option to choose in starting a Visual Basic Editor.

Please look at the screen below.

Microsoft Access Bugs

Library System Whether this is a bug or not I want to share with you what I have found out in using Microsoft Access. While it is true that MS Access is a powerful database application there are still some disadvantages in using this. Most especially if you use it in multiuser environment where different computers are connected to a file server. When one of my clients complains to me that they

Creating a Table for Books Acquisition

This tutorial is part of How to Make Library System.

Books Acquisition is where you save the information of a Book. In this tutorial I will explain to you the importance of parent/child form to grand child. Since there could be more than one copyright in a book all we have to do is normalize our table into three separate table called Books, Books Copyright, and Books Accession.