
Javascript - Simple Calculator

Learn on how to create a Simple Calculator using Javascript. JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex things on web pages. It is widely used in designing a stunning website. It is an interpreted programming language that has a capabilities of Object-Oriented. This code can be used as your calculator to any mathematical problem.

Vb.Net Calculator Ver. 1.0

Hello, this source code demonstrates how to create a basic calculator using Visual Basic.Net This Calculator application can perform two tasks i.e Addition and Subtraction of whole numbers. Global Variables Dim operater_on As Boolean = False Dim operater As String = "" Dim val1, val2 As Double Form Load Event Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load AddHandler

Simple Scientific Calculator using javascript

In this project we are going to learn how to create a simple scientific calculator using javascript. Here's the script for scientific calculator. Javascript Code: CSS Code: form{ width:440px; padding:25px; margin:auto; border:5px solid #aaa; border-radius:15px 15px; } input{ background:#888; color:#fff; font-size:15px; padding-top:15px; padding-bottom:15px; padding-left:19px; padding-right:19px

Philippines Payroll Calculator

PayCal.ocx is a simple payroll component. It is designed for the Philippines Payroll market. There is a simple Vb6 test project included to try out the component. There is also an Excel spreadsheet project to demonstrate it as well. If you examine the source code of the test project it will help you to use this component in your own project. Register the component on your computer and add it to