
Android Voice Recognition App

This is an app that I have created using Basic4Android called Voice Recognition App. This app features to recognize voice using Google Voice Recognition application. When you say a sentence or words, it will automatically recognize the app and will also say the words you've said. Then the speech will display as a prompt message. This app also determines if your phone is supported for voice recognition or not. Copy and install VoiceRecognition.apk and run it. Happy coding sourcecodester! :D Best Regards, Engr.

Android FRONT CAMERA App v1.2

Hi guys! This is my another creation in Android that i have created my own version of accessing Front Camera. This app features to capture photos using the front camera of your Android phone. When clicking the capture button, it will automatically create a folder in your gallery named FrontCam and then have randomized image name from 111 to 33333, and after that it will saved at your default directory in your phone. Install fc.apk in your phone and run it.

Voice Recorder Application in Android

I've been into many experiments in Android until I came up making this app called Voice Recorder Application. This app features to record any audio or voice and will save at your default directory in Android phone as "VoiceRecord.wav". First, click Prepare button to initialize the voice recorder, then tap the Start Button to start recording audio, and if done click the Stop Button to stop the recorder. Install audioRecorder.apk in your Android phone and run it. Hope this application in android helps you! :) Best Regards, Engr. Lyndon R.

Google Map Application in Android

Hi. I just want to share this android application in creating and displaying Google Map. I used the Basic4Android software in creating this application. I included the full source code in this application and also the GoogleMap Library in which you are going to put it in your b4a software library. It will be very helpful to your project and to your thesis software. Hope this app helps!

Android Quiz/Test App with High Scores v1.2

This is an app that I have created using Basic4Android as frontend and SQLite as backend. This Quiz/Test app is used for educational game application that benefits children to learn. This app features test application category using spinner control, text-to-speech application, player information with score that is saved in the database, and high scores view intended for inquiry of highest scores of this application.

Android SCRUD (Search,Create,Update,Delete) using ONLINE MYSQL Database

The beauty of this simple little program is not in its novelty value, but that it can be added to any other program to add functionality and make a point of difference. This is my updated demo program on how to SCRUD (Search, Add, Edit, and Delete) using ONLINE MYSQL database. Create your own free online mysql database ( There is no webservices/php file created for this demo apps.