
Submitted by admin on

What is inheritance?

Inheritance is a process which allows inheriting the methods and properties of parent or super class.


Deriving an object from an existing class (super class)

Classes in Java

Submitted by admin on


In Object Oriented programming, “class is a blue print that is used to create objects”
A class is a collection of things that share common attributes like class of students.

Some characteristic of a class

Regular Expression for a Strong Password

Submitted by planetsourcecode on
This snippet shows a Regular Expression for a strong password. ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?!.*\s).*$ About the author: Planet Source Code is a place for all developer providing free source codes, articles, complete projects,complete application in PHP, C/C++, Javascript, Visual Basic, Cobol, Pascal, ASP/VBScript, AJAX, SQL, Perl, Python, Ruby, Mobile Development

Cookies in

Submitted by planetsourcecode on
Cookies are one of the way to store data during the time when web server and browser are not connected. common use of cookies is to remember users between visits.Cookies is a small text file sent by web server and saved by web browser on client machine Creating cookies in using system //saving cookie Response.Cookies["Cookiename"].Value="biscuit";

Encrypting Connection Strings

Submitted by planetsourcecode on
If you are a ASP.NET developer then you know that all the information is stored in web.config file and its is plain file which can be easily open in any text Editor like Notepad or word pad . We store all the important information like connection strings, user names, passwords.That means we are handling sensitive information in a unsafe text file.