
Functions in Java

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create and use methods in Java. What's a Method: A method is similar to what you may call a function in other languages. Well, actually, it's exactly the same. A function, or a method, is a script which can be called from other scripts in order to run some code, and return a value. The only difference between a function and a method, is that methods are the name given to functions in an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language, such as Java.

How To Build a Stub in Visual Basic .NET

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a stub in Visual Basic .NET. Builder: This is a follow on tutorial from my previous tutorial on how to create a builder in Visual Basic .NET which allows a user to input custom settings to their liking in to an application (the builder) which will then put those settings via the controls (textbox and checkbox in that example) in to the generated stub.

How to Fill and Get the Value Member of a ListBox in Visual Basic 2008 and MS Access Database

This time, I’m going to teach you how to fill and get the value member of a ListBox by using Visual Basic 2008 and MS Access Database. With this tutorial, you can fill the data to the ListBox that came from the Database and get its Id by clicking the name that shows in the ListBox. Let’s begin: Open the Visual Basic 2008 and create a new Windows Form Application. Drag a button and a ListBox in the Form.

How to set your TextBox to Show and Hide Password in the User Registration Form.

In this turtorial, I will teach you how to set your Textbox to "show" and "hide" Password in the User Rgistration Form by using Visual Basic 2008. This will help you determined the password that you have input in the Textbox when registering in the User Registration Form. So let’s begin: Open the Visual Basic 2008 and create a new Windows Form Application.

How to create a TextBox Programmatically in Visual Basic 2008

In this turtorial, I will teach you how to create a TextBox programmatically by using Visual Basic 2008. With this, you don’t have to drag any TextBoxes in Form and set the location of it. It will create and set automatically. So let’s begin: First open Visual Basic 2008 and create a new Windows Form Application.

Prototyping in C++

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to use Function Prototyping in C/C++. Function File: Here is a basic function file which, after running the 'int main' function, runs a custom function named 'calculate' which returns an integer and is output to the screen.
  1. #include <iostream>
  3. using namespace