C# Tutorial

How to Update and Delete Record in the Database using C#

This lesson is a continuation of our last topic called “How to Save Record in Database using C#”. At this time we will be focusing on how to update and delete a record from the database using C#. To start with, this application. Open our project called “usermanagement”, then we need to add another control such as buttons, textbox and label.

Simple Notepad Application using C# - Part 2

This is the second part of the article about C# Notepad. In the first part of this tutorial we already created a simple Notepad with possibilities to open, save, save as and print file. Also, you can change now the font and it's size from the menu. The next step is to implement the basic operations in the text redactor: copy, paste and cut. This actions can be performed in a very simple way by using functions of the textBox class.

Simple Notepad Application using C# - Part 1

In this article you fill find information about how to implement the basic functions of the Notepad using c# Visual Studio provides a good interface for creating different Windows Form Applications. One of the most popular application that is created during the studying is Notepad. In this article I will not pay a lot of attention on the process of building GUI, because it's a simple task. I just give you one important tip on this step: Always give proper names to your GUI elements.

Games Using C#

Games selection using c#.Net A simple project to play the games in win xp. for this purpose we use a class called process in c sharp. Create a form with Picture Boxes Add relevant picture to that picture boxes and double click. Write the code below like this to run the programs first of all define a string and assign the string with the path of the application you want to run.
  1. string str = @"c:\Windows\syst

Webcam face detection in C# using Emgu CV

This tutorial has already been posted on the other sites, since maybe few have only knew about that site then I'll have to post it here. This tutorial has also been explain in the Emgu CV website that refers in this link: http://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Face_detection in which that link refers also in this link http://friism.com/webcam-face-detection-in-c-using-emgu-cv