java GUI
ProgressBar Component in Java
Today in Java, i will teach you how to create a progressbar component using JProgressBar control in Java.
So, now let's start this tutorial!
1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of
2. Import javax.swing.* package because we will going to have the JProgressBar, JFrame, SwingUtilities in swing and also the JPanel as the container of this.
Change Default Cursor to Hand Cursor in Java
In this tutorial, we will create a program that will change the default cursor into a hand cursor in java like the image below.
So, now let's start this tutorial!
1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of
2. Import package. Hence the cursor class is in the input/output library.

How to Check if a File is Hidden or Not using Java
In this tutorial, i will teach you how to create a program in java that will check if a file is hidden or not.
So, now let's start this tutorial!
1. Open Notepad. It's up to you if you will write data in there or not. Save it to the same folder with your java program and named it as READ FIRST.txt. and make sure to hide this file.
2. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of
3. Import package. Hence the file class is in the input/output library.
JColorChooser Component in Java
Today, i will teach you how to create a program that has the JColorChooser component in Java. We have ColorDialog in VB.NET and C# and this is equivalent to the JColorChooser in Java.
So, now let's start this tutorial!
1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of
2. Import java.awt.* and javax.swing.* packages because we will going to have the JColorChooser component in swing and also the JPanel as the container of this.
How to get a SubString of a String in Java
This is a tutorial in which we are going to create a program that gets substring of a string in java. We all know that a substring is a part of a sentence or a string. Java String class provides substring method with some overloaded parameter.
So, now let's start this tutorial!
1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of
2. Import java.lang package because in this library, substring class is there.
How to Generate a Random Number in Java
In this tutorial, we will going to create a program that generates a random number using Java. We will just use the Math.random() function which returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0
Now let's start this tutorial!
1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of
2. Import javax.swing package.
How to Check if an Inputted Year is a Leap Year using Java GUI
In this tutorial, i will teach you how to check if an inputted year as leap year or not. Hence we already know that leap year has 366 days instead of the normal 365 days. Leap years occur every 4 years. And this fact is our formula in finding a leap year using Java GUI.
So, now let's start this tutorial!
1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of
2. Import javax.swing package. Hence we will use a GUI (Graphical User Interface) here like the inputting the year.
How to Insert a Text in a Specified Position of JTextArea Component in Java GU
This is a continuation of my other tutorials entitled JTextArea Component in Java GUI and Set Font and Color to Text of JTextArea Component in Java GUI. But in this tutorial, i will teach you how to insert a text in a specified position of JTextArea component using Java GUI.
Set Font and Color to Text of JTextArea Component in Java GUI
This is a continuation of my other tutorial entitled JTextArea Component in Java GUI. This tutorial will teach you how to set/select font and color for the JTextArea or JTextField component. 1. First and foremost, Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of When you click the link above, copy first all the code there. import java.awt.*; import javax.swing