
Simple Automated Voting System (AVS)

This system was a project for science and investigatory school year 2017-2018 the researchers namely Arnie Grajo, Emmanuel Javellana, John Michael Ortiga, Andre Russell Tacumba, Renekant Decolongon. The Researchers found that this project is a big help for the School (Cor Jesu College) Senior high School Student Council election. Aside from it will help the school to have a modernize election, it


This is a simple notepad with most of the basic Notepad features. Coded in Java. Code written by me completely from scratch Feel free to use it and learn from it. Enjoy! Regards, Masroor Aijaz

Simple aplicación con OpenCV en Android Studio

Un ejemplo del uso de openCV en android, aun hay un problema cuando carga el archivo haarcascade o LBP. Solo debe tenerse la versión de opencv 3.2 para android y linkearla correctamente. Solo use un archivo en C++ para que sea más fácil usarlo. Las configuraciones de librería usando NDK estan el el archivo CMakeList.txt

Login Using JSP and MySQL

Login using JSP and My SQL This is a simple program to demonstrate the JSP working. This code will show how to make login using JSP and MySQL. The Vr2. will be consist Login Registration View All user Delete All user Contact me For: Anyone who needs program or source code for thesis writing or any Professional Software Development (desktop/Web) :- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CHINMAYVIVEK