Image Upload

How to Get the Height and Width of Uploaded Image using PHP

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
In this tutorial, you will learn on how to get the size or the height and width of uploaded image using PHP with getimagesize() function. For instance that we wanted to have a server-side validation on upload image before uploading it, getimagesize() function will surely help you out.

Facebook Like Drag Background Cover Changer using Jquery

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will show you how to create a Facebook Like Drag Background Cover Changer using Jquery by uploading, positioning and adjusting the image. And if you are looking for a application that can upload images this one is very interesting and suits for your system, and it has a combination of many features.

Multiple File and Drop Upload

Submitted by alpha_luna on
If you are looking for Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload using HTML5 and jQuery then you are at the right place. Kindly take a look at this article, I had created this simple project with using jQuery and PHP that can upload multiple files via drag and drop into a server. This simple project will help you to develop your web applications upload system. Result This simple project works in modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Firefox.

File Size Validation

Submitted by alpha_luna on
A simple tutorial that can really help you in an easy way. In this article, we are going to tackle about File Size Validation. There are many ways to use a validation using other languages like PHP, checking the form elements if it is an empty or not. But now, we are going to validate the File Size after clicking the button upload. If the file size exceeding the size that we set our script will surely return an alert.

Calculate Sum (Total) of Column in PHP

Submitted by jkev on
Hi guys, The purpose of this code is to teach you on how to calculate the values of a column using the Sum function. This is very useful if you want to create a poin of sale system in your PHP project. Hope you will like this source code, for more question about this code email me at [email protected] thank you. databasename: db folder sum.sql Sample code: Sum the Numbers in a Column Product