

Introduction: This page will talk about Java keywords including Return, Public, Private, Static and Case. What are keywords? The keywords in Java are used to serve a certain purpose (depending on which keyword is used). Not all keywords are used in the same places and some are bound to certain statements. Consistencies The only thing these keywords have in common is that when they are used, they must be in complete lower case.

Try and Catch Statements

Introduction: This page will teach you about the Try and Catch statements in Java. What is a Try and Catch statement? A Try and Catch statement is a very handy statement which allows the program to handle errors and warnings thrown by the scripts. Each Try and Catch statement contains the block of script to handle, a single or multiple exception(s) followed by block(s) of script which are executed if that specific exception is thrown by the handled script.

Short Hand If Else Statement

Introduction: This tutorial page will talk about the short hand version of an if else statement. Important: I highly recommend you read through the If Else tutorial page before reading this tutorial. How is the short hand if else statement structured? The short hand version of an if else statement is used through a couple of symbols, here is the layout of the statement; Action (setting a variable, function or method, etc.) - condition - "?" - What to do if the condition is true - ":" - What to do if the condition is false. When is a

Return Keyword

Introduction: Welcome! This tutorial page will teach you about the "Return" keyword in Java. What is a 'keyword'? A keyword is a word which already has a set/pre-defined action within Java. For example; public is a keyword which allows other classes to access the public variable or function/method. So, what does the "Return" do? Return is used to send a value back from a method or function to the place where it was called. The type of value to return depends on the type of method the return keyword is encased in.

Do-While Statements

Introduction: This page will teach you how to use the Do-While statements in Java. Important! It is fairly important you understand the While Statement before reading this tutorial page. It can be found on the main Java Tutorial Thread page. What is a Do-While Statement? A Do-While Statement is very similar to a While Statement, with one exception.

For Each Loops (Iteration)

Introduction: Welcome, this page will teach you how to create a For Each Loop in Java. What is a For Each Loop? A For Loop is very similar to a For Loop within Java except it only requires two arguments and instead of referring to the current value of the loop through the index, we have an actual item. When are For Each Loops used? For Each Loops are used for iterating through a list of values or items and performing an action on each of them individually.


Introduction: Welcome to a tutorial on the use of comments within Java. What are comments? Comments are just like the standard definition of comments anywhere in the world, they are used to explain something within the midst of the code. Comments are not read by Java and as such do not affect the program running. When are comments used? Comments are normally used to either make a note for the developer their self so they know where they need to go back to, or bookmark a specific location within a Java file.

While Statements

Introduction: This page will show you how to use the While statement. What is the While statement? The While statement is used to run a block of code/script constantly until its conditions become false. When is a While statement used? A while statement is great for multi-tasking in programs, for example; while the character is moving in a game it should run a script to update the screen graphics/player co-ordinates or location. How to make a While statement: To make a While statement there are only two things you need to th