enrollment system

Online Student's Management System in PHP with Full Source Code (2020) 

Submitted by janobe on
Online Student's Management System in PHP with Full Source Code (2020) The Online Student Management System is made up of PHP, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. The Student Record System is designed to help schools manage all their student records and administration. It contains two sides which is the admin side and the staff side. The admin plays a big part in managing the Student Record System

Enrollment System Project with Source Code Using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by oretnom23 on
The Enrollment System using PHP/MySQL is a project to manage the record of enrolled students of a certain school. This project was developed using HTML5, CSS, PHP, JavaScript (jQuery / Ajax) and Bootstrap for the design. About The Enrollment System project manages the records of the enrolled students of a certain school. The system can only be managed by the admin users, which means students and

Online Enrollment with Billing System Using PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by janobe on
The Online Enrolment with Billing System is a computerized system wherein a student can register online for enrollment and awaits confirmation from the admin so he can view his profile and the subjects that he enrolled. The confirmation of the admin will be done once the student made payments. In this system, the students can upload their concerns while the admin can add load and schedule of

Dancalan Private Academy INC. Enrollment System

Submitted by janobe on
Dancalan Private Academy INC. Enrollment System is a complete system made of Visual Basic 2008, MS Access database and Crystal Reports to generate reports. This system is a convenient way of storing informations of students. It's a user-friendly system that any first time enrolees won't have any trouble during the enrolment process. Faculties may find it hard in manually storing the files of every

Enrollment System using Java + MSAccess

Submitted by donbermoy on
This Enrollment System for Surigao City Pilot School was developed using Java as the Frontend and MS Access Database integration. This features the following: - Login - Student Information - Enrollment Billing - Section - Grade Level - User Settings Data Source Name: EnrollmentSYS Software to be used: JCreator/NetBeans/Eclipse Account Information: username: a password: a For more inquiries and

Enrollment System using C# + MSSQL

Submitted by donbermoy on
This is a project of my younger brother entitled Enrollment and Scheduling System for Christian Kiddie Star Academy which is a Kindergarten School programmed using C# language and SQL Server 2008. This project is a mini-thesis of my brother in their Software Engineering subject. The system has the following features: - Enrollment - Billing - Scheduling - Statement of Accounts - Student Information

SCA Online Grading and Student Information System

Submitted by joken on
This Saint Columban’s Academy Online Grading and Student Information System is a complete system created using PHP/MySQL and Twitter Bootstrap Framework. The system has a Listing and data entry for Student, Subject, Grade Level, Faculty, Department and Rooms. And the administrators or Registrar can assign subject to a specific instructor. And each instructor can also add Grades to each student per

Enrollment and Grading System for SPRCNHS

Submitted by Hutzy on
(NOTE: We do simple codings as long as we can) >>The size of this system is over 50mb that is why we compile it and remove some files to make it lower size >>There is a notepad for the SOURCECODE for how to > add, edit, delete > search > keypress > adodb connection > print out refresh * Enrollment System (Feautures) > Add, edit, delete students > Search like (fb, google) > Picture (using webcam to

ANHS Enrollment System

Submitted by joken on
This is a complete enrollment system for Andulauan National High School project and it is created using Visual Basic 2008 and MS access 2007 for the database and its use crystal report for generating of various reports. Using this system you can store information fast and a convenient way. And the student enrollees in a computerized system will lessen the effort of faculty staff in storing files

Enrollment System

Submitted by jkev on
Enrollment system is a type of system used to make the enrollment process more easier, effortless and lessen the use of time. Like other systems, it also includes common functions like add, edit and delete. This system enables the user to register or to update a specific data of a student which will be added after the user hits the save button. Forms are being placed inside the MDI form as the