This Saint Columban’s Academy Online Grading and Student Information System is a complete system created using PHP/MySQL and Twitter Bootstrap Framework. The system has a Listing and data entry for Student, Subject, Grade Level, Faculty, Department and Rooms. And the administrators or Registrar can assign subject to a specific instructor. And each instructor can also add Grades to each student per class. The system also has a listing of class with specific schedule, room assignment and sections. The Registration of students per school year is also available. As well as the User Management system is available for this system.
You can log on to system for admin side using this account:
[email protected]
Password: 1234
For student side you can use the ID number of students during the registration for Username and the Password is 123456 as default.
To install the system, extract the downloaded file and paste it inside the document root. Then create a database in your Phpmyadmin named “columbandb”. Next import the database found inside the main folder named “columbans”.
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