Django Framework

Simple Banking Management System in Python using Django Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Simple Banking Management System using Django in Python This application is entitled Simple Banking Management System. This is a simple web-based application developed in Python and Django Framework. The main goal of this project is to provide bank account holders with an online platform to make some transactions. The application allows the account holders of a certain bank to withdraw and deposit

Simple Polling System in Python using Django Framework Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Simple Polling System using Django in Python This application is entitled Simple Polling System. This is a simple web-based application developed in Python and Django Framework. The main goal of this project is to create a certain web application that serves as a simple voting system that lets the users record their chosen choice and automatically reflects the polling result. The application has a

RTW Shop - eCommerce Website in Python using Django Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
RTW Shop - eCommerce Site using Django in Python This application is entitled RTW Shop - eCommerce Site. This is a simple web-based application developed in Python and Django Framework. The application's main purpose is to provide certain RTW Shops or Boutiques with an online platform for their possible clients to order their desired products. This system helps both the shop management and

Bus Reservation System in Python using Django Framework Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Bus Reservation System using Django in Python This application is entitled Bus Reservation System. This is a simple web-based application developed in Python and Django Framework. The application is an online Bus Seat Reservation Platform for a certain bus company or station. It allows the users to reserve or book a seat ahead of time for the bus scheduled trip. The application has a simple and

Simple Food Ordering System in Python using Django Framework Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Food Ordering System using Django in Python This project is entitled Food Ordering System. This is a web-based application developed in Python and Django Framework. This simple project provides an Online Food Ordering System for the Food Shop or Store. This Food Ordering System helps the food store's customer to easily order their desired foods. It contains or consists of different user-friendly

Company Visitor's Management System in Python using Django Free Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Company Visitor's Management System using Django in Python This simple project is entitled Company Visitor's Management System. This is a web-based application developed in Python and Django Framework. The project's main goal is to provide an automated platform for Companies to record their daily visitor logs. It was developed with Bootstrap Framework and other libraries for the user interface to