

Introduction: Hello! This tutorial will teach you about variables. What are variables? Variables are pieces of data which are used to store more data. Every variable has a type, a name and a value; if the variable does not have a value then its value is 'null' or 'nothing'. What types can variables be? There are a few different types of variable, the most common ones being: - String - Double - Int (Integer) - Long - Boolean A string is a piece of text containing letters, numbers and symbols.

Data Types in Java

This tutorial will teach you how to understand what are the variables in java. A data type refers to the type of data that can be stored in a variable, means that a variable needs a data type to save space in the memory for allocation. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of 2. Now, we will initialize variables with their own data types in java. An int data type contains a whole number.

C++ Tutorial № 2 : Variables. Types. Boolean type.

   Hi everyone. It is Bright77 and today we are going to talk about variables: what is variable, how we should declare it and how to operate with them.    First of all we need to give a definition of term “variable”. You can say that variable it is thing that should change. It is quite right, but… So, in C++ you can imagine variable like a special container to store the information we need in the current program in the current time. Variables can store different information: from integer values to sentences and texts. As a conclusion variables can be different types.