add edit delete

Easy and Simple Add, Edit, Delete MySQL Table Rows using PHP/MySQLi Tutorial

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create simple add, edit, and delete functions using PHP, MySQLi. This tutorial does not include a good design but will give you an idea of the basic functions in PHP and basic queries in MySQLi. Creating our Database First, we're going to create a database that contains our data. Open phpMyAdmin. Click databases, create a database, and name it as "basic

Add, Edit and Delete record using PHP/MySQL with PDO Query

This project will teach you on how to make a CRUD (Create Record Update Delete) using PHP/MySQL and PDO Query. Why PDO? Because mysql functions are getting deprecated. PDO is safe from sql injections and it will make you far more productive. Just download the file, put it to your www folder(wamp) or htdocs(xampp) and upload the database in phpmyadmin. Enjoy and happy coding! :) If you need more


ADD, DELETE, EDIT, SEARCH / Database Manipulation using C# and SQLite; This project is created with the use of Free and Open Source Tools C# IDE - SharpDevelop IDE; Database - SQLite Database; Note: This application can also run by using Visual Studio 2010.... To make this application run properly make sure you install .Net Framework 4.