Background Blend Modes in CSS

This project will teach you how to use a background-blend-mode in css. Background-blend-mode allows you to blend images and background color. We have different kinds of blend modes(multiply, screen, overlay, burn, color, darken...). Each blend modes applied will produce a stunning effect to an image. I have here an examples of all blend modes that you can use. Hope you learn from this.

PageSwitch - Last Update (01/16/2014) now on GitHub

GITHUB - > PageSwitch is a small program that allows you to display ramdom pages as if it was a projector. In order to use it , you place insert some links , and adjust some settings , and on the click of the green button , the program will continiously load the links ONE by ONE. It's meant to use as dynamic dashboard. One page is displayed , then closes and

Clipping Text Using Background-Clip in CSS

This project will teach you how to clip text using background-clip in css. First we have to set background-clip into text, set the text-fill-color into transparent so the background image will display. Put a background image and animate. In my example, I have a text LIFELINE which has a background image of a lifeline and slide the image from left to right. Hope you learn from this.

Dot Leaders in HTML/CSS

This project will teach you how to create a dot leaders using html/css. Dot leaders is used to connect items across a gap of variables. We can also used other symbols like dash, arrows etc, but what we mostly used is dots. The tricks in doing this is we fill the full width of the page with dots and the spans(where we put the strings) are put on top. We set also the background of the span into

Number To Words in Java

This tutorial will teach you how to create a program that will convert a number and will become words in java. So, now let's start this tutorial! 1. Open JCreator or NetBeans and make a java program with a file name of 2. Import the io library as we will need a user input. import*; 3. Now, we will declare our global variables. We will have variables for the inputting

Logo Applet in Java

This is a sample logo applet programmed in Java programming language. This project will teach you to create applets with the use of graphical methods such as fillRoundRect, drawString, fillPolygon, and many more. This will enhance your knowledge in Java making applets that can run on browsers and has an html tags. For more inquiries and need programmer for your thesis systems in any kind of

Display Image File from SQLite Database in Android

I want to share this source code that will teach you how to display and retrieve an image file that is already retrieved from SQLite Database. This sample app is written in B4A (formerly known as Basic4Android). This source code will also help you in creating database applications in android. Install sampleImage.apk in the Objects folder to run the application. For more inquiries and need programmer for your thesis systems in any kind of programming languages, just contact my number below. Best Regards, Engr.

Airline Reservation System (Java + MS Access)

This is an Airline Reservation System programmed in Java programming language and MS Access as database. Features of the system: - Store Passenger Information - Choose Flight Origin and Destination - Billing - Accommodation - Search, Edit, Update, and Delete of Flight Information Account Information: Username: Don Password: 1234 For more inquiries and need programmer for your thesis systems in any