Sales and Inventory System using VB.NET and MS Access with Source Code

This Sales and Inventory System is developed using Visual Basic .NET(Compatibility - Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012) and using MS Access 2010 database in the back end. So many users had problems with the SQL server during connection with the database in my last same project(Sales and Inventory System V1.0) so I created a database in MS Access 2010 to help them to run the project successfully. This is developed according to the requirements of company Kapco Foods Pvt. Ltd.

Here Product Code is Product name + Quantity of Product (like 1 kg, 250 gm, etc.) and Stock ID is Product Code + No. of Packets per Carton(like 100 packets per carton) so every time you have to update the stock of product having unique Stock ID when the order is placed its status will be uncompleted, you can complete the order by generating its invoice using sales or invoice form after generating invoice cartons and total Packets of the product will be automatically decremented from the stock of particular product having unique stock ID


  • Customers(Super Distributors) and vendors Profile
  • Orders Processing
  • Inventory Management
  • Invoice Generation
  • Advance Records Searching
  • Advance Reports

You may also wish to visit the List of VB.Net Projects with Source Code.

Login Information:

Username - admin

Password - 12345


Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012 and Crystal Report for VS 2010 must be installed on your system to run this Project Successfully

Database Location:

..\Sales and Inventory System\bin\Debug\SI_DB.accdb


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note: Source Code is only available for educational purposes, plz don't use it for commercial purposes without the permission of the original author.

Enjoy Coding:)

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please i'm arabic nationality editing and speaking 50 % with sorry there are errors because of crystalreport version i use vb 2008 please re type reports or how can i solve this problem thenks

am doin sumtin familiar nid ideas from ur project

I want source code on Sales and Inventory Stystem(VB.Net+ms Access)

Nice... article... can i request a Mysql version of this system? thank you... so much.

1st ADD REFERENCE MYSQL Imports System.Data.OleDB ---- Imports System.Mysql.Data Dim rdr As OleDbDataReader = Nothing ---- Dim rdr as mysqldatareader Dim con As OleDbConnection = Nothing ---- Dim con as Mysqlconnection Dim adp As OleDbDataAdapter ---- Dim adp as Mysqldataadapter Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = Nothing ---- Dim cmd as mysqlcommand ===========================================

Hello may i ask you..How could i see the connection with the sql?

can you please give tutorials on you went about it from the beginning to the end, if in video or by pdf format. my e-mail: [email protected]

i have developed small project with vb.net2010 with msaccess2007...for even 1000 records time is taking one min to load data from msaccess into datagridview...could u sujjest resolve...

what is the database password of this system? please reply thnks

anyone with the codes for hotel reservation to kindly update me

hi how can i find complete project this only update! i need this project : Sales and Inventory System (VB.NET + MS Access) but complete if possible thanks

hi ran the project on vs 2013 bt it threw a bunch of errors most of which were related to crystal reports. please assist me on how i wil connect the database to my vs

pls i need an online tutor for my email id writedegwo53@yahoo,com

sir, i downloaded the code you provided and installed 2010. but when i run the project it shows error. do i need to do something else?

need a project of employee management with 2010 front end ms-access db backend

i got 102 errors and 26 warnings please help to solve the problems of errors and to understand the whole application and i am using visual studio 2010 professional thank you...

In reply to by Gourav Soni

Basically, first, you need to add MySQL.Data.dll on your project. You can do this by downloading, install it, then add it to your project by adding it to your reference tab.

Warning 4 The variable 'CrystalReportViewer2' is either undeclared or was never assigned. C:\Users\Jonalyn Santos\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Sales and Inventory System\Sales and Inventory System\frmInVoicesReport.Designer.vb 174 0 Warning 24 Referenced assembly 'C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_64\log4net\\log4net.dll' targets a different processor than the application. Sales and Inventory System

Please i need your help and am new in programming. i have created crystal report now i want to do like when i click on the button it should display the report and am using visual studio and Sql data base. i will really appreciate for your help

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